Lena Luthor: Supergirl's True Kryptonite

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Kara Danvers was sitting in her bedroom, staring at her clothes' racks. There was a singular cardboard box sitting beneath one of the racks. It was unlabeled and had several dents and crumpled corners from years of getting moved around. A layer of dust had begun to collect the flaps from the months of no use. She knew what the contents were. It was her old super suit that she had traded in for her new one. After all, she was getting tired of flying around in a skirt. And she was enjoying having pants. Yet, as Kara sat there staring at the box, her mind went to Lena Luthor.

"How come I couldn't talk to her at the Pulitzer party? Why did I panic at the last minute, again?!" hissed Kara to herself. "Alex is going to be so pissed that I didn't tell her, especially since I said I would."

Just as Kara said that her phone chirped on her nightstand, she walked over to it and turned it on. Seeing a text from her sister, she immediately unlocked it and checked the message.

Alex: Kara, did you tell Lena last night?

Kara sighed and sent back a response, knowing that she would get the talk from her sister. Alex had told her numerous times to tell Lena about her secret identity as Supergirl. However, every attempt that she made quickly failed because she panicked every time. And it wasn't because Lena was a Luthor. She had proven many times that she was very different from her family, something that Kara adored about her. And yet, that also made it much harder for her to admit the truth now. She had waited so long to tell Lena the truth about her identity that now it felt almost impossible to say anything. It made her worry that if she told Lena now that she would lose her best friend.

Alex: Kara, you should tell Lena the truth. You can't keep coming up with excuses anymore. Besides, it'd be better if she heard it from you.

Kara texted Alex again and set her phone on the bed. She didn't know what to do with Lena. And her mind was racing with all the possible ways revealing her secret could destroy her friendship with Lena. Try as hard as she could; Kara couldn't shake those thoughts. Her phone began to ring, pulling her away from her downward spiral of thoughts. She picked it up and answered the call.

"Kara, if you don't tell Lena the truth, I will personally come over and form an intervention," said Alex, her voice stern.

"But what if there was an emergency with Mrs. Stein's dog?" asked Kara, hoping Alex would buy the excuse a second time.

"Kara. You already tried that excuse once before. And if Mrs. Stein's dog needs some help, I will go. You need to stay and tell Lena the truth," replied Alex, not budging.

Kara exhaled and gave into Alex's demand. "Fine, I will tell Lena the truth today, okay?"

"If you need anything, I will be here, Kara," replied Alex. "But now I have to go; Kelly is making me try this new restaurant, and I don't think I am going to enjoy it."

"Have fun with that!" said Kara before clicking off the call.

Setting her phone on her bed, Kara walked over to the dusty cardboard box. She pulled it out from under her clothes rack and wiped off the layer of collected dust. As she lifted the flaps, revealing her old super suit, she held her breath. The symbol of the front was a bit faded, but the colors were still vibrant. Most people thought it was an S. However, that wasn't what it was. It was the symbol that represented her family, the house of El. As she stared at it, running her finger across the front of it, her mind went back to her home – Krypton.

Kara missed it terribly. She missed her family, even though she knew the truth about many things now. And although Kara had recently got to see her mother again, she couldn't help but wish she had her now. She wanted to know what to do, especially if things with Lena fell through after she revealed the truth. But all she could do was sit in her apartment, her old super suit in hand, pondering the outcome of telling the truth to her best friend. Sighing, Kara got off the floor, walked behind the room divider, and quickly slipped into her old super suit.

Lena Luthor: Supergirl's True KryptoniteWhere stories live. Discover now