Chapter 27

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"But first, with your strategy, you are betting on the fact that none of the first-year students will suspect or betray anyone else." Ichinose pointed out.

"You guys are the most likely to have a traitor." I agreed as I spun on the chair again and Kiyotaka made me hold my umbrella since I'm by the window still.

"Complete trust exists between the members of Class A!" Machida yelled showing there are obvious problems. I laughed while everyone else seemed to like the boring ass plan that won't let us finish early.

"I saw one of you screaming at Katsuragi. Why would they have faith in someone who lost against the loser class? They could save themselves in this test." I asked Machida and he paused while everyone else got interested in my words. "But if you really are the best class then being sticky like honey will be what you are best at!"

"As Rekka pointed out, we can't trust that someone won't turn traitor and even with your strategy, it's one that Class A, specifically, is incentivized to suggest." Ichinose added.

"Am I missing a drawback to leaving the answer hidden?" Machida asked her.

"You are forcing the people of lower classes to waste one of their few chances at turning things around." Ichinose explained and almost everyone looked surprised shocking me, it should be obvious. We were told before this meeting about the huge number of points we could get from this test, we could change our class's rank if we did well in all groups.

"That's..." Machida mumbled.

"A united front plan guarantees there will be no change in the final class rankings." Ichinose explained their plan benefits.

"Your plan involves a united front, as well!" He retorted.

"Not quite, actually!" Ichinose smirked. "Our group contains 5 members of Class D and 4 of Class C, and only 3 from classes B and A. In other words, if we achieve the Case 1 result, D class earns 1,000,000 extra private points and C class earns 500,000 extra private points."

"That's true." Machida mumbled not getting what she was going on about. "But wouldn't you be putting your own Class B at a disadvantage, as well?"

"The alternative is possibly letting Class A run away with the win." Ichinose explained. "After all, the Vip might be in your class!"

"I agree with her." Ryota added.

If the Vip was in their class, they wouldn't even hear her out. They would just stay quiet so either the Vip hasn't revealed themselves or the Vip isn't in their class and I don't believe they are.

"Class B must have talked about this in advance." Kiyotaka mumbled to me.

"She likes to look after everyone, so she would have made sure to explain it to them all and give them a plan to follow." I explained.

Machida then stood up. "One way or another, Class A's philosophy remains unchanged." He announced. "We will not participate in the discussions."

All three of them sat on the sofa in the corner and I was right near them since I was by the window. "...can you guys go away?" I asked.

They were all just sitting there awkwardly.

That was practically the end of the discussion and I already had found the Vip making me sigh since my plan won't work now.

I saw earlier when I made my loud entrance into the room many flinched, the ones who do know me didn't flinch except for one. I hugged most of my team to get a close view and feel of their behaviours, and I found the Vip quickly, it's Kei.

She flinched both times even though she's used to my loud attitude and when I hug her she usually relaxes, but she was tense the entire time especially when I looked at her phone.

Radiators are my only weakness (Classroom of the elite x oc)Where stories live. Discover now