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Every night I lay in my bed thinking of different things every night. What tomorrow is going to be like, what all went on today, the possibilities are endless. I have the bestest friends anyone could ask for. Middle school is and has been an amazing experience, excited for high school. Couldn't be better right? Well I think so.
That was an example of a normal book intro, let me tell you this,this isn't your normal book intro, pretty much I am going to tell you what this book or story is going to be. Its going to be my life all about ME. MY life, my world, my hopes and dreams, drama. You know normal teenage girl stuff.
Sure you can consider me a regular teenage girl, well I am! I just have an amazing super power that no one knows about.... just kidding. Even though that would make a super cool story. That's not what this book is going to be about, like I said before normal teenage girl stuff. Including my secrets.
This is kind of a short chapter but, who cares that doesn't matters all that matters is what is inside the chapter. To sound more smart, let's say content, all that matters is the content, not in the chapter itself but, the words inside.

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