Vol 2

329 10 7

Ori wakes up to a lovely surprise. A delicious piece of fruit, but something didn't feel right. The environment was too quiet, so Ori looked around finding Naru, asleep? Ori smiled into Naru's eyes cheering that she'd earned a fruit, but Naru didn't seem to wake up. Ori kept shaking her body constantly in fear thinking her mother was dead. It was over, Ori depressed and broken down. She felt weak as if nothing mattered anymore. Ori walked outside, wandering to find something.. she kept thinking of Naru everywhere she went and it made her sadder and sadder everytime a memory came to mind. The bridge they built together, broken down, the trees they earned their fruit from, broken down, Ori's heart full of happiness and love, broken down. Ori feels as if there's just nothing. She lies down, full of weakness and despair she gave up. Her life faded away just as Naru's did. But hope hasn't given up yet, one flower glows, then a group of flowers glow. Only minutes later, the whole field throughout the forest has a blanket of flowers pure white and they lead to the Orphan's origin, the spirit tree. The tree glows and creates the whole forest to shine full of light that revives Ori's hope. Ori wakes up having knowledge of everything, she now knows her father, she knows that her whole family was gone and Ori was the last one remaining. Her mission is to solve everything. She doesn't know what happened or how it can be fixed, but she knows somewhere out there, there is something waiting to help. The Land of Nibel will be healed once and for all from the help of Ori. A new dawn has begun. ~ ⛅️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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