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"Dont give up! Ha! Ya gotta press onnn! Ha! God did not-tah! Bring you this far!! Haha! Just to let you go!!! Ahaha!!" Pastor King hooped over the pulpit to an amped up congregation. Casimir leaned back casually in the furthest pew from the stage. Arms crossed, legs open, shaking his head, laughing to himself. How does this man get them so riled up every Sunday? He thought to himself as he watched the whole spectacle. Everyone who acquired a seat in the church was on fire. Shouting, raising their hands, jumping stomping, clapping, and praising. Deacon Brady was running up and down the sanctuary isle, Mother Lily had her tambourine going a mile a minute, and Sister Tammy caught the Holy Ghost again, just as quick as she has every Sunday that Casimir could remember. The ushers couldn't even contain her in their "let's keep her from hurting herself or anyone else" circle this time. Casimir couldn't do anything but laugh. He never got into church the way the others did. At times he felt he should be more involved since his own father was the pastor but he couldn't help it. He just wasn't feelin it. The only other person not feelin the service as much as Cas was his sister Zuri. She sat in the second row, by the window, texting her brother which members were the funniest shouters this Sunday. That second row window seat was the best seat for Zuri. She could see everyone, if she sat at a slight angle, and text the whole service away and still look as though she was paying attention like a good church girl should. Zuri's approach to the whole church thing was different from Cas. Cas was laid back, and didn't care whether or not people thought or knew that he was completely uninterested in the service. He sat in the back every Sunday where he could people watch and be amused without much interaction with the congregation. Zuri, however, had an image to uphold. She was daddy's little girl and since daddy is the pastor, Zuri was Zion Missionary Baptist Church's angel. She never missed a Sunday or Sunday school, she greeted every member with a smile and a hug and sat in that second row window seat wearing those big First Lady hats more often than not. You would almost think Zuri was the First Lady if it wasn't for the striking resemblance to Pastor King. Unbeknownst to the church however, was that Zuri was the epitome of a PK. Preachers Kids are the worst, they always say, and Zuri made that the truest thing anyone who ever stepped foot in a church could say. She snuck out, smoked weed, drank at every party, which she attended every weekend. She schemed her way into and out of sticky situations. Looks can take you a long way and Zuri knew it. To Zuri though, she wasn't a bad PK. She was just doing what all of her other friends were doing. The only reason she was "bad" for it was because she was the pastors daughter, and so she didn't care. There were only two things that kept her reigned in: School and Casimir. Zuri was determined to be a lawyer. Not only did this force her to put a limit on her not so Christian activities but it was also the perfect profession for her since she was always lying about something. Casimir on the other hand kept her in check because she looked to him as a father more than she did their actual father. Disappointing Cas broke Zuri's heart every time. It made her feel like a miserable failure. So Zuri had managed find the perfect balance to her good girl, bad girl lifestyle.

Family dinner tonight. You gonna be there? I'm making Chicken Parmesan 😁

Zuri sent another text to her brother. She asked Casimir the same question she asked every Sunday. As if he wouldn't show up.

Yea, imma eat your dry ass chicken again Zee

Casimir teased. Chicken Parmesan was actually one of his favorites. Plus he knew Sunday dinner had been Zuri's favorite since he had moved out of his fathers house a few years ago, because it was the one day she was guaranteed to see her brother. He knew that, so he wouldn't miss it. Casimir dropped his phone into his pocket and stood up for closing prayer. Service was finally ending.

"You riding with me?" Casimir asked Zuri knowing she'd say yes.

"Mhmm let's head on out before Tammy needs to speak to Lady Z again" Zuri joked referring to her church girl self. They dipped out into the parking lot just as they saw sister Tammy coming out of the sanctuary looking for Zuri.

Honest to God (Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now