"5! 6! 7! 8!"
The cheer squad started dancing for the for the big football game of all time today.
Hello, my name is y/n and, I'm a where wolf. Being part of the pack can be very fun but, also very difficult. my rank is beta When Willa is gone hunting or doing anything else away from everybody i take over and, i must say I'm good at my job.Me and, Bucky are best friends of course at first he was all like "WHAT THEY'RE MONSTERS THEY CAN'T COME TO OUR SCHOOL!?" but, now he literally comes to me for everything.
After Bucky became president and, Addison the cheer captain things started to become normal again just with some more fun.
--------"WOOOO!" I looked over to the football team and, cheer squad running over to each other.
"What color shirt should i wear?" I turn around to see Bucky holding a green and, pink shirt.
I literally meant everything.
"Hm, green is definitely you're color!" I smiled showing my fangs as he tosses me the pink shirt "then you wear that one and, I'll wear this one!" I put it on the shirt on the one i already had on.
"Are you ready for the big game tonight?" I ask him "of course! If Zed wins you get to go to college with me." He chuckled drinking his water bottle.
"When i say sea you say Brook!" I look at Zed as he cheers everyone up "SEA!" "BROOK!"
After Bucky left to go talk to someone i joined Willa and, Wyatt.
"Our Moonstones are acting weird, guys. Something big is gonna happen." She looks up in the sky and, so do
We."Something big is happening. The biggest football game in the universe." Wyatt said as I roll my eyes, smiling.
"Just the biggest in sea brook." Willa corrected.
I watched as a little kid tried to face paint her face causing, her to react on the scene.
"Come on. You know how important a win is for all of us monsters." Wyatt tried to convince her to let the little girl do it.
"Sea brook needs you, cheer wolf!" I chuckled at the nickname as he glanced at me.
"You want a fierce where wolf leader to rally up a football team?" I looked back at the sky.
"Come on!" He held up the sign smiling.
Willa looked at the girl giving the 'wtf face'By the time is was night the pack started to head to the drop off bus as Willa stood on top of it.
Once she howled all of us did. "Lets tear these east side eals apart! Destroy them! Yeah!"
Everyone started to cheer super loud as i stood next to Wyatt and, zoey. She used her claw Making sparks on the bus.
"Maybe just a bit to much school spirit."
He said looking at Willa "you think.." I muttered."Let's get our mighty shrimp on this bus so we can defend our turf! No outsiders messes with our pack!" This caused everyone to cheer louder.
"When you're from sea brook! You are sea brook!" Everyone soon started to chant 'Sea brook'
"Eliza!" I turned to see she was on the iPad thingy. "Hey, Wyatt!"
"I-i can't believe you're not here right now. We all miss you." I smirked at Zoey as she winked at me.
"Who misses her the most?" She questioned. "Wyatt." Both me and, Zoey teased as he shushed us.
"Wait, what did she say? I couldn't hear what she said." She glitched out.
"Okay everyone! Let's give it up for our football team! As they head out for victory!!" Adison yelled getting all three of our attention.
Everyone started to cheer again. Instead Bucky came through making a big appearance like always.
"HA!" He did his cheer hands as i clapped. "Thank you, thank you for coming to see me off at my big game!" I sighed "He does know he's not cheer captain anymore right?" Wyatt asked "yup." I replied.
"You're not even on the foot ball team, bucky." One of the A-ceys explained. "Uhm, that's president Bucky." He corrected "And, as president all accomplishments are my accomplishments." I rolled my eyes for the 50th time.
"It's gonna be a banner year for me now that I've organized the, nAtIoNaL cHeEr oFf?!" He gasped.
"Adison organized the cheer off.." The blonde explained "she invited all squads from everywhere to compete." The A-cey boy explained.
"GO SEA BROOK! SEA BROOK! GO GO GO GO!" Zed said cheering everyone up again and, Willa howling.
After everyone went to the bus wynter was left with her head down in a nervous way making me feel bad.
"Hey, hey you're going to kill it our there tonight ok?" I smiled at zed showing my fangs.
"Those eals think they can keep you caged up. They think they can you on a leash But, you are no cuddly puppy!
You are a fierce beast if the forest!" She started to howl and, he joined her."This shrimp be crazy!" She yelled in face "Go crazy! Go, wynter!" He yelled back.
She started yelling while running to the bus.. Never mind let me change that.. She ran into the bus.
Everyone went silent as she turned around. "To much?" She asked.
"Never to much! You do you!" I cheered "GO WYNTER!" Wyatt looked at me "what?" He shook his "never thought I'd see that side of you!" I rolled my eyes "I'm allowed to have a little bit of fun!"
We all started to chant 'Sea brook' again this time me joining.
"This game is gonna awesome!" Bucky said walking up to us "Hel-" I looked at Zoey "Heck yeah!" Wyatt cleared his throat "Zoey why don't you hang out with the pups?" She shook her head running to the pups as they played tag.
"Nothing can ruin this day!" Me and, Bucky cheered.
________________I know i was originally working on a spree ff but, i got so much stuff wrong and, mistakes i just felt kinda embarrassed about how much i messed up.
Thank you for that one person who said i did a good job on it<3 it meant alot. You know who you are if you read the story.
That's it for now thank you for reading and, i hope you enjoyed. 🥰
Word count; 1072.

A-Lan Zombies3 / Fem (x reader)
FantasyDiscontinued --- What happens when aliens invade sea Brook? --- "Our pack won't go down without a fight!" --- Started; (7/18/22) finished; (?) --- Welcome to Seabrook where zombies, humans and, wolves all live in peace. The big game is coming up...