"This looks really good. How'd you get the application done so fast?" Eliza's robot asked.
"I got friends in high places. What can i say?" Zed replied. I looked at bonzo with the 'Really' face and, he did it back to me.
"This is huge zed. You did it!" Eliza congratulated him. Bonzo patted his shoulder making zed jump a little. "Oh, yeah and, all i have left is home interview for mountain college!"
"Zombie-Kind is depending on you!" Zeds expression changed "Yeah, it's all on me."
"Gazu?" Bonzo asked putting a hand on zeds shoulder. "Hey, don't worry man, i got this." Zed replied.
They both took off running somewhere. "Eliza is that you?" Wyatt asked walking up to us. "Cool right? You know, can't beat zombie tech!" She said.
"Well i mean, i wouldn't underestimate wolf tech." Wyatt took off his necklace swinging it in circles. I rolled my eye's.
"Hey, i was thinking uhm, maybe we could go have a like, like a you know remote study date? or?" I smirked. The necklace started to get to close to the robot and, acted like a magnet on a fridge.
"Oops." He said a little shocked. "So much for wolf tech." I said as i sighed. "Zed?" He looked around.
"Come on let's go get some fro-yo?" I asked he sighed "Yeah, why not!" He smiled as we walked away.
_______During the practice i sat in one of the chairs trying not to distract anyone. I had nothing to do so i found something to entertain myself.
When i looked over at Bucky's face i tried so hard not to laugh and, i think he heard it cus, he looked over confused but, then shook his head when he realized it was his best friend.
Near the end of the aliens practice i walked over to Addison and, bucky.
The aliens started to walk over to the cheer team as they started to cheer. "Our telepathic groupthink, makes cheer so much easier!" A-li said first.
"Yes! We're even better than you and, you've practiced you're whole life!" The way my mouth dropped when A-lan said that.
"So fun! Thank you for inviting us." A-spen said closing the conversation as they walked away.
"There's no way we can let them win!" Bucky said frustrated.
"It's okay they never had emotions before!" Addison stood up for them. "What you're on their side now?" Bucky asked getting more upset every time.
I growled grabbing both of they're attention "Both of y'all take a chill pill. It's just cheer!"
"Just cheer?" Bucky shook his head before leaving "What is his problem lately?" I muttered knowing the humans couldn't hear me.
Addison started to cheer them for a few minutes before they all went on stage leaving me in the same spot.
"Now that they're distracted we can vaporize them" "see the moonstone." They said at once.
"Don't look at me like that!" A-li said in defense. "A-li we are peaceful people." A-spen said.
"Right sorry. These emotions are getting to me." She replied apologizing.
"Oh, me too. The joy of the competition is consuming me and, unfortunately i am just good at winning." A-lan said fastly."We must remember. We are one people!" He added on. "-United" "-Without disagreement."
"And, we need to find the moonstone!" They said louder clearly not knowing us wolves have the ability to hear 100x than anyone in this town.
"How do we distract Y/n? Zed said they won't let any outsiders near it." A-li questioned.
I pulled out my phone texted Willa to meet up at the moonstone later tonight. "Willa was right." I muttered, growling at the same time before leaving the room.
As the pack was walking to the moonstone i noticed something was off. "Someone's been trespassing on our turf." Wyatt said to Willa.
Willa went to check on the for field but, only for it to be gone. "What the hell." I did a check to see for myself.
"Someone's taken down our force field." Willa said clearly upset. "And, someone's been eating our fro-yo. nd, it's all melted." Wynter said.
"The hunt is on!" Wynter yelled as the whole pack howled.
(Yk what to do i hope)
Ima admit it. I do not remember the A-ceys name. 😭 I really hope y'all enjoyed this chapter it slightly shorter than usual but, i promise? The next one won't be as short.
Ive made a-nother chapter like this but, it has a different way of doing things if you know what i mean.
I just personally didn't like that one n tried again so here we are with this one. <3
Hope you enjoyed it!
Word count; 802.

A-Lan Zombies3 / Fem (x reader)
FantasyDiscontinued --- What happens when aliens invade sea Brook? --- "Our pack won't go down without a fight!" --- Started; (7/18/22) finished; (?) --- Welcome to Seabrook where zombies, humans and, wolves all live in peace. The big game is coming up...