17: Meeting Old Friends

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Kenma's POV:

Me and Kuroo walk downstairs to find Suga greeting someone at the door. The person walks inside, along with two other people trailing behind him with grocery bags.

"Terushima what's up bro!" Kuroo says excitedly walking up to him.

"It's been a while man how've you been!" Terushima says dapping him up.

"I've been good." Kuroo says while dapping the other two men up and I just stand there confused. Suga walks up to me and we go to the kitchen.

"So uh who are those people?" I ask and suga smiles.

"Just some old friends from our friend group. Don't worry, they may seem intimidating but they're really the biggest goof balls you'll ever meet." Suga explains and I nod my head.

"Sorry I'm just not good around people."

"I get it, no need to apologize. You'll warm up to them fast." Suga says and I smile. Akashi comes downstairs and opens the fridge as Kuroo, Terushima, and the other two men walk into the kitchen.

"Iwaizumi put the bags down on the table, i've gotta get started on lunch." Akashi says not even acknowledging them and Terushima scoffs.

"Got a problem?" Akashi says scoffing back at him.

"No not at all darling." Terushima says while smirking.

"He's just a little butthurt that u didn't say hi to him." The man, who's identity I still haven't figured out said.

"I hace no idea what you're talking about suna." Terushima says and akashi winks at him playfully.

Suna? I swear i've heard that name before. My eyes quickly widen as I realize who he is.

"Kenma can you help cut up these vegetables?" Akashi says and Suna snaps his head towards me.

"Kenma?" He says in disbelief.

"Suna." I say with a smile and he laughs. I giggle as he hugs me and everyone looks at us confused.

"You know kenma?" Kuroo asks and suna nods.

"Course I do." Suna says.

"I'm surprised you can recognize me." I say and he giggles.

"It's those cat like eyes that I would never forget." Suna says.

"And it's that wild ass hair and the smell of weed that I wouldn't  forget." I respond with a smile and he laughs.

Kuroo looks at me confused again.

"Me and suna grew up together. But then he ended up moving away and we lost touch." I explain and Kuroo makes an "Ohhhh" face.

"Yeah but we ended up moving back about 5 years later. By then you had already changed your number and switched schools so I couldn't find you." Suna said and I sighed.

"We'll Im glad you two are reunited but I need help with this food because i'm not cookin this shit by myself." Akashi says and everyone laughs.

"Hey where's Tooru?" Iwaizumi asks Suga and Suga points upstairs. Iwaizumi nods and heads upstairs.

"Jeez I don't get why those two won't just date already." Terushima says while taking a snack out of the cabinet but akashi slaps the snack out of his hand.

"No snacks until you eat this food." Akashi says and terushima smiles. Akashi goes back to seasoning the meat and Terushima slides an arm around his waist, hugging him from behind.

"Does that mean I can't eat you?" Terushima whispers into akashi's ear and I can see a small blush start to sit on akashis face.

"Correct." He says before sliding out of Terushima's grasp and heading upstairs to grab something. Terushima chuckles and walks into the living room.

"So I'm confused, I thought akashi and bokuto were dating." I say and everyone laughs.

"Believe me I wish they were dating too. Bokuto and akashi have a complicated relationship. They're both too scared to be in a committed relationship so they deny their feelings for each other. Now what Terushima and Akashi have is nothing more than pure lust. They can't keep they're hands off each other. They're more like fuck buddies." Suga explains and everyone nods.

"That does sound complicated." I say and there's another knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Suga says as he walks to the door and kuroo gives me a hug.

"You two dating?" Suna says while eating a strawberry and we both blush.

"Uh..." He starts but I cut him off.

"It's complicated..." I say glancing at kuroo.

"But you two like each other no?" Suna asks and we blush even more. Thank god Suga walks in with three more people behind him, saving our asses.

One of the guys, a man with grey dyed hair, walk up to suna.

"Hey babe." He says before kissing suna and I stare in surprise.

"Yeah they do that a lot. You'll get used to it. They never keep they're hands off each other." A man who holds a striking resemblance to the grey haired man says.

"Uh kenma this is Atsumu and Osamu. And thats Sakusa in the corner who's currently hiding from all the "germs." Kuroo says and I nod.

"We've heard a lot about you—" Atsumu starts but Kuroo cuts him off by elbowing him in his side and I giggle.

"Owww. Asshole..." Atsumu mumbles.

"What was that?" Kuroo asks and Atsumu rubs away.

"So mean kuroo." I say and kuroo smiles.

Hinata comes running downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Is kageyama here?" He asks.

"No but he should be here any second—" Osamu says before the sound of the door bell could be heard and Hinata runs to the door. Everyone laughs at his excitement.

Hinata opens the door and immediately hugs a man who I asume is Kageyama.

"I assume those two are close." I say with a smile.

"You assume correct. Those two have been unofficially officially dating forever." Suna says.

"Honestly I'm rooting for them because Kageyama is basically the only one who can handle Hinata's random bursts of energy." Suga says.

"Hey where is Yamaguchi and Tsukki?" Atsumu asks.

"They're either sleeping or fucking." Suga says and everyone nods. I giggle at how blunt they are.

This is definitely a group I could get used to.

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