chapter twelve

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"Baby why can't we be happy and live a nice peace black life"
"all I want for my daughter is the best and her mama don't need to be part of
shit. "...Latrice said,"baby sometimes you just have to careful who you make your baby mama to avoid situations like this you know and I only want the best for babyQ (quayla) too but something gonna have to to give how about I call her and you let me have a talk with her woman to woman baby"...."Oh hell naw Latrice she too rowdy and she a hooray I don't want you to be associated with that girl ma"..."Quavo I'm going and that's final goodnight okay".
I'm waiting at the diner to have this conversation with iesha I hope she keep her composer because I don't have to time for the bullshit ."hey iesha"...she didn't reply back. "okay let me get straight to the point iesha you is causing friction in our lives Quavo is happy and Quayla finally has a mother that loves her unconditionally inside and outside and out why can't you see that he's happy without you there's more you boo"
Iesha leaned for to Latrice and took of her sunglasses and smirked, "coming from a bitch who can't have kids how can you love Some one unconditionally and furthermore I don't even want the little brat I don't want her I want my man and I'll do anything to get even if it mean stepping all over you fat ass okay so this meeting was uneccessRy bye".

I'm so tired of doing this undercover shit I got my own personal shit to be worring about. The only reason why I agreed to do this shit was so I could see Quavo.I need his help on something. Well about five years ago when Quavo and Iesha was splitting and going there separate ways .Quavo called me and asked can I be there for him and I did but things went from one thing to another and a month later I found out I was pregnant but before I could even tell him he up and moved and I didn't want to hurt iesha because I slept with her man behind her back so I kept quiet. I'm in the middle of a situation .But i want my kid to have his father in his life but I don't know what to do at the moment.

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