Chapter 39

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The Immortal and the Tyrant

I was laying on my side, facing a large window. It was night and only a few candles flickered around me. Although I couldn't see them, I could hear them. Hear the soft crackle and whoosh of the small flames every time they blew.

I could smell where I was, Azeyrnir's room. Could feel the sensation that my soul bond spends much time in this room. I could still smell the sex we had, could feel the energy still lingering in the air even though it was more than likely days ago.

I listened as my heart pumped heavily in my chest, I could feel the contraction of the muscle. There was another beat though and I struggled to make out what in my body was making it. Upon listening closer, I realized it wasn't coming from me but rather behind me.

I breathed in, hearing the air fill my lunges and rolled onto my back. The beating from behind me was a person, they stood instantly when I moved.

Azerynir appeared next to me, crawling on the bed and grabbing under my waist to pull me up. I pushed up the rest of the way for him and he squeezed me against his chest tightly, "Hi" he whispered.

My brain and body fully awoke and I wrapped my arms around his neck, squeezing him tighter than he was to me. The skin on his neck was so soft against my face and smelled heavenly. I wanted to stay pressed against him forever.

He pulled away and held my face in his hands, staring deeply into my eyes. A sob erupted from my throat and a few tears slid down my face, "You're alive, you made it. You're okay" He soothed, his thumbs brushing away my tears.

I sobbed again, whimpering out for comfort, "Holy fuck" I whispered.

He nodded at me, "I know, I know" then pulled me into another tight hug. We stayed tangled together like that for the rest of the night, barely speaking, just holding each other.

While Elizabeth got me ready the next morning with a wide and excited smile, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, barely hearing anything she was saying. I looked the same, but something was off, different. My hair, eyes and skin were brighter, there was not a single part of my complexion that was out of place, my bone structure was more prominent.

A knock sounded at the door just as my was being finished. The door opened and Solik peered around it, face lighting up in a childish grin when he saw me. He hurried toward me with open arms.

"Hey!" Elizabeth yelled at him, "Wait your turn, I'm not done yet"

He froze, looking at Elizabeth with raised eyebrows. He placed his hands behind his back and bowed his head, "My apologies, ma'am". He glanced up at me from under his lashes through the mirror and smiled, struggling to keep his lips from parting. "Vienna, you're awake... and alive". He couldn't keep his grin small anymore and it erupted into a much larger one.

I giggled, "Hello again, Solik. What's gotten you in such a good mood?"

He licked his lips, "Do you know what you are?"

I hadn't even thought of that, what kind of demon I would become. I shook my head but something in the way he looked at me told me the answer.

"You're a reaper, just like me" he said laughing softly with excitement.

I whispered, a smile creeping on my face, "What does that mean?"

His smile grew even larger, "Everything. It means everything" We held eye contact for a moment or two, having a silent, bonding conversation through out smiles. "Don't tell Azerynir I said this but it also means you'll grow stronger than him at some point".

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