Muffin Time

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I wake up to the alarm vibrating on my pillow. Looking around, feeling sluggish, I try to feel for the alarm. Once I have located it I hit snooze and go back to sleep.

When my alarm inevitably goes off again I finally start getting up. Putting my hair in a messy bun I start to head downstairs.

Turning on the lights I start to look for the apron of the day. One of the most important decisions of course.

"Today feels like pink", So I start going through the bottom drawer near the sink, looking for the light pink I want. When the color of my apron is not what I want... then I know the day will be a bad one. However, I end up finding the one I was looking for.

I go over to the oven and preheat it to 375. I then walk over and put on the marauder's playlist on Spotify. Ophelia starts to play while I work on the batter.

I take ½ cup of softened butter, that I left out the night before, and 1 ¼ cup of sugar and start mixing them till they are creamy. I then add the 2 eggs one at a time, a beat them into the batter.

I hear my Mother, Kan Reiki, come down the stairs and start talking to me. " You know, I just love waking up to food every morning!", She was always way too loud and enthusiastic in the morning, than I cared for.

"Good Morning Mom. Could you grab the gluten-free flour, vanilla, and blueberries for me?"

" Sure, what are you making," she said with her hands full.

"Blueberry muffins, learned yesterday that the majority of my class has never had them. And I know what you are going to say. I can't expect everyone to have eaten all the food I like... but this is Blueberry muffins. Like they are the blood of my people!" I say waving around the spatula.

She raises her brows and gives me an exasperated look. "The blood of your people?" She says laughing.

I add the Teaspoon of vanilla extract and start mixing. "Yeah! Well I guess not everyone would like muffins but I do... so my people, aka me, have these in our blood." giggling as I add that.

505 by arctic monkeys start to play as I'm mixing in the 2 cups of flour, a pinch of salt, and 2 ½ teaspoons of baking powder. I lean over to grab the milk when I see my mom dancing around the kitchen.

I love my mom... but she really can't dance. " Hey Mom, When you are done...doing what you are doing... could you wash the container of blueberries for me?"

"Sure!" She says laughing.

While she is washing the blueberries and crushing them for me, I started humming and getting the pan all ready.

She starts to "Hey... you know...I know we have talked about this." She paused gauging my reaction while I was stirring in the blueberries. "I think you could be a great hero if you just put your mind to it"

I stopped mixing in the blueberries and sighed. "No. I really can't", I said sadly... Perking up I commented "at least I can start my restaurant! ' The Restaurant for the sick and healing'!!!"

"Well the name is a work in progress," I said giggling.

"Alright... I won't push anymore. At least today that is." She said with a sigh.

" Okay. Could you take out the muffins in 30ish mins while I get ready?" I asked while taking off my apron.

" Sure, but only if I get the first one!"

I ran upstairs and started to take a shower. The memories of why I would never be a hero started to rush through my head as the suds were leaving.

"You're a vampire!"

"Your quirk will only lead to Evil!"

"Don't Come Near Me!"

I took a deep breath, trying to block out the voices.

"Ten... nine... Eight... Seven... Six...", I Count it down and do the breathing techniques that Shinso taught me.

"Two...One". I take a deep breath and focus on the positives of today. I'll be seeing all my friends, and I know I'm going to ace this math test!

" Oh! I'll also get to share the Best fucking blueberry muffins these people have ever tasted!" I smile at that exasperation. Cooking and sharing my treats always make me feel special and appreciated. It's the reason why I want to open up my healing restaurant anyways.

Having a quirk like mine doesn't leave a lot of options in society. I'm hoping my restaurant will be able to hear a lot of people in the long run.

Once out of the shower I start getting ready for the day. As I'm putting my uniform on I hear the muffins come out of the oven.

I feel down to my greedy mother " you gotta wait 30 minutes before you can start eating them!"

" OK, I'll wait until you get down!"

I just somehow know that she is lying. Honestly, my mother is just a terrible liar. However, I love her all the same. "I know you're lying! If you wait 30 minutes I'll give you two!"

I hear a faint sigh and then a disappointed okay. I giggle slightly as I start working on my tie. I've never been quite good at tying them, however, I like to try before Shinso does it for me.

I start to head downstairs. Mom has already changed the Music. I love my country as much as the next person... But her obsession with Kane Brown is a little creepy.

I grew up in Texas, specifically Austin, and ever since I have been born my mother has gone back and forth between different country artists. She gets obsessed, then another artist will come out with a new song, and she'll just move on to them. This month it's Kane Brown.

When I get downstairs I see my mom is passing a muffin in between her hands whispering hot.

When she finally notices me, giggles and gives me a shy smile. " I couldn't wait, they just look so good"

*** Authors note: might rewrite for the writing style but we will see***

Smiling, I pass her a napkin. She had crumbs, all over her shirt and intertwined with the ends of her red hair.

" Well, are they any good?"

"Very good!" She says. Bits of muffing coming out of her mouth. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that we are related.

" Well, in that case, I better pack these up and get going"

As I'm packing them up, I hear her walking out of the room and mumbling something about having a decent day.

While walking to school, I try to hype myself up for social interaction. Ever since middle school, I found myself secluded in a hard shell. It's going to take a little bit to break out of it, however, I'm trying. Although I may be trying, it doesn't exactly help that I am an extremely quiet person. To be completely honest, I think Shinso does all of the talking for me.

As I get to the class, I notice I am the first one. That's not exactly uncommon, for I'm usually up early. I don't know if it's just me, but I hate just waiting around. Like if I have something to do, I'm gonna get there early. Waiting around for something to start is one of my pet peeves.

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