13| Lou's Blues

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LOUIS LOVE BIRHAM | Lou | 25(Lou-ee)

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   "IF YOU CAN'T GIVE ME A VALID reason on why you fought that girl then I don't want to here it." Ameena shushed me.

I was at her house trying to make amends with her but she wasn't trying to feed into my peace. I didn't feel bad about fighting her but I did feel bad about fighting her at Ameen's house.

She was once upon of time a mother to me when me and Kamau was together.

"Miss Ameena I just wanna be a mother to my kid that's all, I don't want any problems on our end." I spoke sincerely.

"And you've done a great job at that but you can't fight every girl Kamau come in contact with just because you still love him." She explained.

"I just want what's best for him." I sighed.

"Asia is what's best for him, not you." Ameena pointed at me with a stern look on her face.

Those words made my breath hitch and my heart ache. I needed to let Kamau go but I couldn't, my heart wouldn't allow me. We were high school sweethearts and he was my first love.

I had gained more weight over the years and maybe that's what made him unattached from me; my appearance.

Or maybe it was my mindset that hadn't changed, I couldn't tell.

"Y'all broke each other's hearts a long time ago. Now it's time to release yourself to another man."

I nodded, not letting her words go over my head. It was time to give myself to another man, it had been years since I felt loved.

I had a lot on my plate though. Having to take care of Bailey and Michel'le was a lot on my plate but I did it, for him.

Now it was time to do something for me.


"I love Bailey but it's stressing me out Kamau, I can't keep up with two babies." I stressed.

"You good, you done had Bailey for months now so you did yo part. Imma be over there to come get her in ten minutes."

"Thank you." I sighed.

"Mmh mmh." He replied before hanging up.

I looked back down at our high school photo, prom. We were so inlove back then and now it was just one-sided. I would say I don't know where we went wrong but that would be a lie.

"Kamau is going to kill me, what's wrong with you?" I hissed, pushing JJ back into the sink. He was trying to approach me in an seductive way and I hated every part of it.

"Cmon Lou, you know the deal with us. It's been weeks, baby, I been missing you." JJ licked over his bottom lip as his eyes traveled over my appearance; an black robe and underneath held an lingerie.

"I told you this-" I motioned in between us.
"-couldn't happen again."

It was hard denying him, he gave me better sex than Kamau.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't want this."

I couldn't, because I did.

Maybe we were too lost in the sauce or maybe we were too lost in our love but we didn't even noticed Kamau, standing there with an bouquet of flowers and the most heartbroken expression I've ever seen.

Seeing you girlfriend taking dick from your best friend wasn't pretty, but hearing your girlfriend lied about her baby wasn't even ugly— it was disrespectful, degrading, and embarrassing.

And I pray till this day, Kamau never finds out.

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