They can hear you (~final)

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Hai my peoples /.\ sadly this is the last part of this story ;-; enjoy!

Three-Thirty-Five A.M, Wednesday

Jim was a quarter of the way towards the employee building on the eastern side of the cemetery when he heard the scream echo out across the area. He jumped from the burst of sound, startled by the sudden presence of noise in the quiet surroundings of the graveyard. He looked around quickly at the graves placed on both sides of the path, but nothing moved.
Still deterred by the noise, Jim fumbled for his walkie talkie and pressed the PTT button on its side. He spoke quietly into the voice box.
"Crawford, you there? Pick up."
A few seconds later, Crawford's voice spoke through.
"Jim? You know we don't really use these things while you guys are out in the field."
"Yeah yeah, I know but did you hear that noise just a second ago?"
"I have the radio on in here so I didn't hear anything. What was it?"
"Sounded like a scream came up from the western hill. I think Greg was over there last time I checked. I don't know if it was him or not but it might have set off some trouble up there. I'm towards the east and nothing has happened yet."
"Alright, I'll call Greg's walkie and see-"
But before Crawford could finish another scream broke out from the west shortly followed by a constant flux of bloodcurdling anguish that rang out across the field. As Jim looked in the noises direction, he assumed the worst had come to fruition.
"Oh god, no."
Jim began to hear the ground shift all around him in dozens of different spots. He shook out of his daze and began to sprint his way down the path toward the employee building. As he ran he saw as the hands and bodies of the dead creep their way out of their eternal rest and back into the land of the living. He could see them twist and jerk their bodies like puppets on a string. But worse of all, he could hear them speak their gasps of confusion. Some cried out for loved ones, others cried out for revenge. It was more than enough reason to make Jim increase his speed and run for his life.
He ran into the employee building door with full force as it swung open against his weight. Once inside he quickly turned to slam the door behind him, furiously clasping both locks into their positions. He heaved and puffed as he looked through the small window on the upper half of the door out into the darkness with terror. He became startled when a hand from behind clasped his shoulder.
"Get away from the door," Crawford shouted. "Did they see you come in here?"
"I, I don't know," Jim said trying to catch his breath. "They're all over, Jesus Christ every fucking one of them is out there and moving."
"Did you see Greg anywhere?"
"No I didn't see him at all. I, I think he was the one that screamed."
Crawford gave a sigh of disappointment at the revelation. He quickly made his way behind his desk and pulled out a double barreled shotgun with a few boxes of ammunition from underneath. As he loaded in two shells, he called out to Jim in a hurried pace.
"The only way in here is through that door. The windows will be too high for them to get through. Go around and turn off all the lights, we'll set up in here for the night until the sun comes up."
"What about the window on the door, don't you think they could break through that."
"That's why we turn the lights off. The front gates are locked up tight, so none of them are getting out. This building is fortified enough if we just hide and keep quiet."
Jim gave a nod and rushed around the rooms flicking every switch he could. Once every light was out, he made his way back into the darkened lounge and crouched down into a corner near Crawford. They sat in the dark for ten minutes without saying a word. Crawford kept his gun close to his chest while Jim's mind was on overload from the nightmare that had come to life once again. Outside, the calls of the dead rang out like a riot in a city square. Had it not been for all the commotion outside, the room was quiet enough to hear a pin needle drop.
"What time is it?" Jim whispered.
Crawford pressed the background light on his watch.
"Three-Fifty-Four," Crawford replied. "The sun should come up around five-thirty, so we just have to stay in here until then.
Jim recalled back to the first time things went to shit like this. He was on duty with Ethan and Matt when the dead came pouring out of their graves. They had held up for the night in the employee building just as they were currently doing now. Once the sun came up, the dead just mindlessly wondered back into their graves. They couldn't give any rationality to what had happened, but they knew if anyone found out about what transpired the cemetery would be shut down for good. That was enough reason for Crawford not to speak up, but it's not like anyone would have believed them anyway. Live undead were a hot thing in the entertainment industry right now, but having them actually walk the earth? At least they survived the first encounter. Crawford, Ethan, and he had made it out alive. But Matt was...
Just then Jim's thoughts were interrupted by a shrill noise coming from outside the door to the building. Crawford tensed up on his gun as they both kept a pressured gaze on the door. At first the sound was long and continuous, like a gust of wind. But then it broke apart and formed rhythmic beats. From beyond the door, Jim and Crawford could hear "Pop Goes the Weasel" being whistled out in the darkness. On the final five notes, Matt's decrepit face became clear in the window.
Both Jim and Crawford screamed at the sight before them, it was enough to draw the entire horde outside to their location.

~/.\ [credit to original author] okay my people I hope yall have enjoyed this story I myself did :3 sorry it was so long and took so long to post but hey I feel like it was worth it :3 anyways night night lovelies

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