Scratchin (~part 2)

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Alright guys here's part 2 :D enjoy!

I was 15 years old and freedom-bound during the summer of 2003. I had just finished school for the holidays and earned a three month break to do whatever I pleased. Me and my friend Paul had originally planned to stay at home playing video games the entire time; but those plans were soon shot down when I was told that Paul had to stay with his grandparents for a month. Paul spent a good hour or two expressing his love for the farm house his relatives owned; speaking highly of the lakes and fields that surrounded the family home. Eventually I gave in - it was clear I was to be joining him on his visit.
After packing my bags and saying goodbye to my parents; I headed down the road to Paul's house with Alex helping me on my way. Me and Alex were still pretty close, but the older we got, the more we would drift apart. There were no more late night talks or playing out in the street together - and I missed that. Once we had arrived at the house, Alex said goodbye, dropped my bag and ran off towards the direction of our local sweet shop. Me and Paul hopped inside the car and we were on our way.
We arrived safely at the farm within an hour or so; it wasn't too far away, but it looked completely different from where we lived. Just a huge house isolated in the middle of nowhere with only hills and trees for company. After we arrived, time just seem to fly by and before I knew it we had already been there for a fortnight. The area was beautiful and his grandparents were lovely so I had no complaints.
One particular day after we'd eaten our dinner, me and Paul headed out to explore and seemed to venture too far. We'd usually just play around in the fields or climb tress; but this time, we'd somehow managed to end up a mile into the maze of bark. Eventually we reached a small stream and decided to have a rest. The sun lay low and twilight was fast approaching, but we couldn't head back without having time to relax first.
After a while, I began to feel as if somebody was watching us from the surrounding trees. I looked around countless times but didn't seem to find anything. I was on the brink of paranoia, when Paul frantically pointed out a small wooden box that he'd noticed floating downstream. All too excited to discover what was inside, I hurriedly made my way in the same direction; until I was running so fast that I'd overtaken the box completely. I leaned over the bank as far as I could and managed to fish the box out from the torrent. I looked back in Paul's direction expecting him to be nearby; but he was miles away. "I can't have run that far." I said to myself.
I sat down and slowly opened the box. Inside, I found a small photograph and a scruffy, hand-drawn picture. The photo seemed to be of a small boy on his birthday; he was wearing a party hat and stood surrounded by torn wrapping paper - the biggest smile plastered on his face. Once I had managed to dry the picture off, I could easily make out a drawing of a family. There were three children and two parents stood outside of a dirty two-storey home. One of the children looked very sad and was separated from the rest of the family. Upon further inspection, I could see another person in the background; a much bigger man with an expressionless face staring from the corner of the house. It took a minute to register with my mind; but the events I'd hidden away from 3 years prior all came rushing back. A shiver ran up my spine and I picked myself up off the floor. I began to walk back towards Paul but my legs had gone weak. Then, in the quiet of the darkness I heard a noise from the trees behind me; tap, tap, scratch. My legs suddenly worked.
I ran towards Paul and we made our way back to his grandparents cabin as fast as we could. Soon after we had arrived home, I managed to settle down. There was still doubts in my mind of who that drawing was of, but the noises that followed my discovery kept leading me back to my original fear. Was that me and my family in the drawing? Who was the sad child standing on his own? What does the photograph have to do with anything?. I went over the same questions in my mind, over and over and over - until the phone rang.
Paul's grandma handed me the phone and told me it was my brother:
"Yeah Alex it's me, what do you want?"
"I have something I need to tell you."
"Okay, I'm listening."
"You know my friend from school... Tom?"
"I think so. I think I've met him once or twice. Why?"
"Well that day after I said goodbye to you, I bumped into him down at the shop."
"Well it turns out, he lives on the same street as us. Always has."
"So, why is that unusual?"
"Well, it's not really. I suppose... It's just, why didn't we ever see him playing in the street?"
"Maybe he wasn't allowed to play out when he was younger."
"Yeah maybe, I don't know it's just strange."
"It is a bit, but some parents are like that."
"I guess. That's not really the main reason I called anyway. I have something else I have to tell you, but it's a big deal. We've never really spoken about it."
"Okay, go on."
"Well today I was at Tom's house and ended up staying over for dinner. It got dark pretty early so we decided to tell some creepy stories. For some reason, I suddenly remembered that night, you know, the night a few years back. I got the courage to tell him about 'the man' and what he looked like..."
"He freaked out, he put his fingers in his ears and started shouting. He kept repeating 'Don't talk about the man, forget the man'. I didn't know what to do. His mum came upstairs and told me I had to leave. I'm back at home now anyway, I think I'm safe. So you should never come back okay?"
That's when the phone cut off. I immediately rang back, only to be greeted by the sound of white noise. I stood there, shocked at what I had heard Alex say. A moment later, he called me back:
"Sorry about that, the phone cut off."
"It's... fine. Don't worry about it. I think we should talk when I get back - talk properly. I'll be home in a week. See you then."
"Cool, see you then Jack."
After I hung up the phone, Paul questioned me rigourously. I didn't tell him much of anything - there was no need to - and I barely spoke a word for the rest of the week there. After all, I didn't want to sound crazy. But all I could think to myself during that final week, was that Paul has always lived on the same street as me too; so why didn't I ever see him playing outside when he was younger? Maybe I was thinking too much.
I arrived home feeling worse for wear and noticed that Alex was waiting for me by the door. I was told that Tom's mum had disappeared and just left him on his own; all she'd taken with her was her jewellery box. Poor Tom went into foster care not long after his mum went missing; it wouldn't be until a couple of years later that I'd meet him again.

~/.\ [credit to original author] Hope u enjoyed part 2 :3 night night lovelies ('・ω・')ゞ

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