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Kazuaki Tachibana is a boy from a prestigious family known as the Tachibana or the Cherry blossom or Sakura clan. This clan is filled with mostly women who are trained in the demon slayer ways there are seven branches of the family but the main branch hasn't had a male heir  in years until one fateful morning when the next head of the Tachibana family was born and they named him Kazuaki (Sakura) Tachibana. Flash forward four years and his parents had another child and they named her Suzuki (Saho) Tachibana he and his sister are four years apart and she means the absolute world to him he would do anything and everything for her, she was the light of his world and the reason for him to live. Twelve years later Kazuaki has just recently turned sixteen and has been declared to be the best swordsman in all of the family. His life is calm peaceful and full of hard but rewarding labor and training until his sisters coming of age ceremony meaning she would be administrated and sent to be a demon slayer Kazuaki couldn't believe it was so soon she was only but twelve years of age he didn't want it to happen he knew how dangerous it was but it was the way of his family for the strong woman to go off to be demon slayers this he knew but didn't care the light of his world was slowly fading away from him and he didn't want that to happen he wasn't going to let that happen no matter what it cost.

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