My Dear Sister. (The Day of The Ceremony) pt. 1

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(In Kazuaki's brain)
The day is here,the day IS here, THE DAY IS HERE!!!! I can't believe ITS ALL READY HERE HOW?!?!?!?!?
(On the outside)
(Random guy) good afternoon Kazuaki excited about the ceremony.
(Kazuaki) of course I am (straight faced with a sweet smile)
(Back in Kazuaki's brain) AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH WHAT AM I GANNA DO?!?!?!?!?!? UDJDHFHXHD CHI BDGS ASH SGDSJDGG G GZH SUB CH CT (having a mental break down while staying straight faced with a smile starting off too nowhere) ...............................-y -y -ey hey hey HEY KAZUAKI ARE YOU ALIVE!! Huh what? oh Saiuri what's going on. (Saiuri is Kazuaki's older sister)
(Saiuri) it's time.
(Kazuaki) yes it seems it is (*viably gulps*) let's go.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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