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Jaune Arc

LT obsidian had informed echo squad that they had been chosen for a specialized experiment, that their auras would be intertwined allowing for a heightened awareness of each other when on the battlefield. they were not the first that had their auras intertwined but they would be the first to see its effectiveness in any combat scenario. 

in the meantime Jaune would be meeting up with his sister and her friends at some coffee shop in vale, lucky was to escort him. lucky was a Faunus and had a modified helmet to adapt to his golden retriever ear's. his armor being his namesake had every good luck superstition imaginable painted on it.

Jaune: so these are these those freinds of yours I've heard so much about?

Jean: Jaune, I'd like you to meet teams RBBY and JNPR.

Jaune quickly finds himself inches from a little girl in Gothic clothing and a cloak


After hitting the younger girl a beautiful girl with black hair and pale skin held out a hand toward him

Weiss: forgive the dunce, I'm Bliess Kohl the blabbermouth is Ruby...

As Bliess introduced her self a blonde in seemingly impractical clothing cut her off.

Yang: and I'm Yang, nice to meet ya soldier boy

A fourth girl with a bow that twitched just a little to much not to be ears of some sort waved somewhat lazily

Blake: Blake..

Jean: and this is my team Ren, Nora and Phyyra.

Jaune: it's nice to meet you all, this is my squadmate Alan

Lucky just laughed sheepishly and ran his hand along the back of his head

Lucky: my freinds call me lucky

Blake immediately glared at Jaune accusingly

Blake: why? isn't that a little racist, calling a dog faunus lucky? Like some pet

Lucky in turn pointed to a tattoo of a four leaf clover on his forearm

Lucky: it's my warname, I've always been a little superstitious so I put every good luck charm I could think of on my armor. Kinda did it to myself.

Blake: oh... i apologize for jumping to conclusions it was rude of me

as blake looked down in slight shame the waiter arrived to take their orders


The Pieces were set Adam and the white fang were ready, the 256th were in vale. the wizard looked down at his watch  3 minutes until the attack would take place. Ozpin picked up his coffee and walked towards the window. he heard the door open and the familiar click of Glynda's heels 

Ozpin: what do you see out there Glynda?

Glynda: i see everything vytal stands for Sir everything Vale stands for. freedom peace and prosperity

Ozpin: i see wasted potential, did you know with the past decade there have been less volunteers joining the Valean army, the only thing keeping the forces of mantle and mistral at bay is the relentless force we call the Arcadian Marines.

Glynda: yes... the Arcadian military is something to be reckoned with. the generals of Vale and Vacuo could certainly learn a thing or two. if i may sir, what is the purpose of this conversation?

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