The Tan Café

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Sehun rubbed his aching shoulder, sinking into the van seat with a groan.

"Getting old, Sehunnie?"

"Very funny." Sehun sneered at Chen, the other laughing in return. "I'm tired as hell. I barely slept last night."

"Maybe if you didn't shower last~"

"I didn't choose to! It's not my fault I drew the shortest straw!" He sighed. "Besides, I wouldn't have slept much anyway, with how late fucking practice went. Jun, I thought you were talking to him about making our schedules easier."

"I'm trying, they're just worried we won't learn the choreo on time.."

Sehun sighed again, letting his head fall back. Beside him, Baekhyun yawned, and leaned on his already aching shoulders. He sighed and glanced down at him. "What are you doing?"

"Napping." His Hyung said simply, folding his arms over his chest. Sehun frowned a little as he looked down at him. For months he'd liked the brunet, his pure face and cute habits and just being overall funny as hell. He only had one downside that Sehun knew of.

Baekhyun was straight.

Sehun hadn't told any of the others about how he'd liked men. It wasn't like they weren't accepting, he was pretty sure Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were practically married, but it just never came up. Baekhyun was the only one that knew. He'd let Sehun down gently, and told him he'd make some guy very happy some day, and he really hoped Sehun could still be okay with being best friends. Of course he could, but that didn't take away the pain that came with his unrequited love for his Hyung.

"Yah, wake up, we're home." Sehun shoved Baekhyun off of him, sighing when the brunet just laid back down. "I'm not carrying you in again." Baekhyun grinned, though kept his eyes shut tight. The Maknae groaned, pushing him off again and simply walking out of the van.

"Oh Sehun!"

Sehun laughed quietly and continued his path inside. He got smacked with a pillow as soon as his Hyung got into their room, but he could live with that.

Sehun rubbed the sleep from his eyes, groaning tiredly as he sat up. "Hm...?" He glanced over at the other bed, confused when he saw it empty. He glanced at the clock and excitement filled his heart.

He had slept in until 10:30. It was their day off.

What did an idol even do with his day off? He could go to the park, he might go swimming, there were just too many options. He yawned again, and thought for a moment. He could really go for a coffee first.

"Baekhyun!" He called as he stepped out of the room, hobbling on one foot as he pulled a boot on.

"What do you want? I'm busy beating Kyungsoo's ass!"

Sehun wandered into the living room, laughing when he saw a game of Mario Kart illuminating the TV. "I'm going to that coffee shop that opened up a few blocks away, do you wanna go with?"

"Do they do iced?"

Sehun shrugged. "I'm pretty sure it's just one guy that works there."

"Really? All on his own? Jesus, that'd be stressful. Yeah, yeah, let me finish this lap and then I'll go get dressed."

"I guess so. I'll look up the menu, don't take too long. I don't want to waste a minute of today."

"Yah, maybe you shouldn't have slept until almost noon then. Little punk, blaming me~" Baekhyun huffed, tossing Chanyeol his controller. "You better not lose for me."

Sehun laughed softly. He tried not to let his eyes linger on Baekhyun for too long as he walked past.

The Tan Café [xiuhun]Where stories live. Discover now