Ryder' anger gets worse

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Katie brought Ryder is homework for the day as she entered the lookout, "Ryder?" she called out, "In the garage" Katie heard Ryder say. Katie walked into the garage and said "hey how are you? I brought your homework" Katie said, "Thanks" Ryder said as he stood up to talk to her, "what are you building now?" Katie asked, "a new air patroller, but this time I am making it bigger so we can take it on longer trips" Ryder said. "I just want to say I am sorry for what happened, and I still can't believe that Francois did it" Katie said. "Yeah, well I am not sure why either. I don't feel like I deserve all of this, Captain Turbot keeps saying that he was manipulated by someone but who? Like why does someone want me to lose everything?" Ryder said with anger and sadness. "I am not sure but whoever he or she is Ryder is evil and you shouldn't let them control you. I know you can overcome this don't let them win" Katie said. "That would be easier if I knew who was doing this Katie. I am so angry and so frustrated, I don't feel like I can trust anyone anymore. I honestly just feel like shutting the paw patrol down all together" Ryder said. "I think the pups would hate that they love doing rescues, but Ryder it is your choice in the end as they are your family. I think you should talk to them they all so badly just want to help you" Katie said. "I am over people trying to help me Katie, no one can help me at this point and I honestly don't want it" Ryder said. "You don't believe that Ryder, you are just to stubborn to admit you need it." Katie said. "Whatever thanks for bringing my homework, I need to get back to this" Ryder said as went back to work on the air patroller. Katie rolled her eyes she loved that boy but he really needs to talk to someone or admit he needs help.

Ryder wasn't able to work on the air patroller for very long when a call came in there was a part of him that wanted to ignore it but he didn't. "Ryder here" he answered, "Ryder we have a house fire in Foggy Bottom we could use some help putting it out" the fire chief said, "We are on our way, PAW patrol to the lookout" Ryder said. "Ryder needs us" the pups all said as they raced to the lookout, and rose in the elevator. "PAW patrol ready for action Ryder sir, Fire pup style" Chase said. "Marshall, there is a house fire in Foggy Bottom we need to help put it out, you will lead us in this rescue" Ryder said, "I am ultimately fired up!" Marshall said, "Paw patrol is on a roll" Ryder said as they all raced to help put the fire out. "Ahri help treat the victims, Zuma, Skye get water on the fire, Rocky, Rubble help clear the debris so people can get out. Chase see if you can figure out what caused the fire and Ryder help get people out" Marshall said. "These paws were made to heal" Ahri said, "Ready set get wet!" Zuma said, "This fire puppies gotta fly" Skye said, "Rubble on the fire double!" Rubble said, "Green means go" Rocky said, "Chase is on the case" Chase said as they all went to do their task. 

Ryder ran into the building using the fire gear the fire department lent him and he wasn't able to find any victims then he heard "Sleep!" and he fell to the floor. Dr. grey pulled Ryder out the back and was gone before anyone even knew he was there. The fire was out and the pups were ready to head home but they couldn't find Ryder. "Ryder sir?" Chase called into his pup tag but he didn't receive an answer. "What the hell! was this a set up?" Chase said loudly, "what?" the fire chief said, "Have you seen Ryder? Did you call us here on purpose?" Chase asked angry. "I called you here to help and I haven't seen Ryder did he make it out of the building?" the fire chief asked. Chase run into the burnt building before anyone could stop him. There was no sign of Ryder anywhere inside Chase was beyond annoyed. "Why does he always go missing?!" Chase screamed. The pups drove back to the lookout and Chase drove Ryder's ATV on autopilot and they looked for him at the lookout. Ryder was no where and the pups were confused and felt sad again as their leader was once again missing.

Dr. Grey was surprised that Ryder was still under his control despite everything that happened and he was anxious to get started. Dr. Grey had developed and new drug and it was meant to make the person taking it become angrier and resentful. He was excited to get started as Ryder was going to be his first subject he meant to do it to Francois but his cousin was able to pull him out to easily. Ryder was still in his control and he felt like he was a better choice as his goal was to turn him against his family. Dr. Grey felt like his career wasn't going anywhere and help Ryder's dad was the most fun he has had in a long time. He decided to quit his job and continue tormenting the 10 year old as he enjoyed watching the paw patrol suffer. He had zero connection to Ryder but he found it very easy to manipulate him therefore he decided to keep it going. He was turned evil and he was very much enjoying it. Dr. Grey injected Ryder with his new drug and waited a little while before releasing him as he needed to be sure it didn't harm him.

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