{ pt 2 } Game Day

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Gwenny finally came back and the rest of the game we were cheering. To me it was a win win if either won but I hoped most for Bruce, I knew that he needed this win. It's been awhile since we went against falcons. This was the final hit, AND BRUCE WON!! I was so happy for Bruce, Finn wasn't as much of a sore loser. He smiled and walked back to his team. They all were shaking hands and I saw Bruce and Finney talking. They didn't like mad I think they look like they were smiling. Bruce doesn't talk much with Finney, so seeing them talk is a surprise.

As they both walk back I run up to Bruce and hug him. "YOU DID IT YOU WON THE GAME!!" Bruce smiles at me "I was lucky, Finneys arm is mint." He saids looking at Finney "Actually I let you win" Finney saids smiling "Thanks, I needed the win" Bruce responds back with. We stay in silence until Robin starts a conversation "Do you guys want to hangout at my place?" Everyone agree's, I barely know this kid but if Finn trusts him, then maybe I can too? "Me and brucey are going to be there a bit late, we are going to head to Petersons Ice Cream" I say to everyone else

Me and Bruce were running as if our life depends on it, but at the corner of my eye I see the black van. That van creeps the shit out of me. "Brucey we are here" I say and we slow down but the van slows down too. It was right behind us too, I start to knock until someone opens, it's Robin. "Hey Y/N, and I think you're Bruce right?" Robin saids to us, "Yeah I'm Bruce, and you?" "I'm Robin, Robin Arellano" Robin replies with "Well Arellano, you gonna let us in?" I say with a smirk and Robin saids "Yes hermosa"

We walk in and Finney and Gwenny are sitting on the couch watching "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"
"You missed the first 20 minute of the movie, sorry about that" Robin saids to us. We sit down, I was on the couch with Robin and bruce while Finney and Gwenny were on the floor head on eachothers shoulder.

I'm so sorry for not having enough of Robin content, if you want to skip to have more of y/n and Robin I think you should go to chapter 3-4, also I will make another chapter either later tonight or tomorrow. Depends if I have anymore ideas in my head

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