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Katherine was by herself in the room, pacing in a distressed manner as she made her way to the standing mirror. "What is wrong with me, why am I feeling tired these days?" Katherine asked herself. "I can see I am getting weight and my face is white," Kate said to herself aloud, startled by some changes in her appearance.
At that moment, Kate was drawn from her reverie by Juliet's soft knock on the door.
"Come in, please!" exclaimed Kate icily, positioning herself squarely on the dressing mirror before anyone could suspect anything was wrong.
"I apologize for bothering you, Miss Kate. Juliet stated courteously, "The director needs your attention now, ma'am." said Juliet
Katherine spoke to her and put on a happy face, acting as though everything was fine.
"All right, Juliet tell him, I am coming right away," Kate said, tapping her hands.
"All right, ma'am," Juliet replied, and she quickly went outside.

** Later that day, Kate went to the hospital for a comprehensive check-up to find out what was wrong with her and the reason behind her exhaustion. ***
"This is the result for you, ma'am!" the doctor exclaimed, grinning.
When Kate saw the results, she was taken aback and looked up right away.
"Doctor, this can not be mine." Kate gave a small shake of her head.
"You are four months pregnant, ma'am! Congratulations!" the doctor exclaimed.
"Doctor, I think there is a mixed up somewhere," Kate said, her eyes narrowing. "Miss Kate, that is your result, and that is what we carried out from the Laboratory," the doctor said gently.
Kate was momentarily perplexed and refused to accept the doctor's words. "This can not be true, doctor!" she exclaimed, shaking her hands, and she got up to leave the office right away.
"I guess you are shocked, ma'am," said the doctor. I get it, ma'am. Still, it is good news," the doctor said, softly speaking to her.

"Okay, thanks anyhow, doctor. I have to leave right away," Kate said, struggling to breathe.
"Once more, ma'am, congratulations!" the doctor grinned.
Kate struggled to respond to the doctor at the door because she was at a loss for words, "Thank you," Kate stammered back and hurriedly left.

(Fade light)

Kate had already been to another hospital the next day. The results were the same, so she decided to check another hospital one last time to see if there was an error or a mix-up somewhere. She was sitting in the Mercy hospital, tapping her hands and waiting for the nurse to bring in the results. Kate stood up after a few moments to meet the doctor. The doctor advised Kate to be patient while she awaited her results. Some minutes after, the results finally came out and Kate couldn't wait to hear the news.
"Congratulations miss Kate, you're four months pregnant." said doctor Williams cheerfully
"I can't be pregnant doctor!" shouted Kate stepping back
"Why did you say that madam?" asked doctor Williams shocked at her statement
"I aborted this pregnancy four months ago and there was nothing wrong doctor, not until recently I started feeling dizzy, irritated." replied Kate trembling lips
"Miss Kate, it happens though let just say that's how God works." replied doctor Williams gently
"Doctor! You don't understand what am trying to say here. I said I aborted this pregnancy long time ago and it was successful, how come am pregnant again?" asked Kate heart pounding
"Let just say it's God wondrous work. I mean doctor's do the physical, while God do the invisible. Congratulations once again madam." replied doctor Williams smiling face
Kate was displeased and helpless at the situation, she was short of words  and was lost in thought. Her heart was beating fast and she looked up to the doctor face all he could see his excitement for her. Doctor Williams was looking at her to accept the pregnancy results and Kate finally managed to replied the doctor "Thanks doctor I'll be on my way now." replied Kate quietly
"You can start coming for your antenatal ma'am." said doctor Williams smiling face
"Okay doctor bye." Kate stood up knees shaking and she hurriedly went outside from the office
"Bye ma'am and have a nice day." replied doctor Williams halfway and he was surprised to see Kate hurriedly rushed to the door and said to himself "I hope she's fine." said doctor Williams and he sighed inwardly
Light fade.
Back at the hotel lodge, Kate was looking at the wall mirror again, examining her body from one angle to another.
"Really! I am pregnant!" said Kate hands covering mouth. She was trembling all of a sudden "How c could this h happened! How am I going to explain this to Jerry. I have left him for some months now. How c could this happened now!" Kate thought to herself whimpering and sobbed quietly for a while.
After some minutes, Kate brightened up again and said to herself
"There's a tiny little creature inside here!"she said outwardly eyes popping open and She rubbed her stomach gently and faced the mirror like her only companion.
Kate wandered in her thought for too long and she drifted her attention to few years back in the college.

** Flashback**

Few years ago at the college, in the school cafeteria, some students were having their lunches while some were catching fun and some were giggling among themselves.
Deborah was having her lunch with her best friend Jeremiah but people do called him Jerry for short. Sheee was eating noodles with fried eggs while Jerry was eating fried rice and chicken.
"Wow this taste yummy!" said Debbie delighted with her mouth full of noodles
"Really? let me taste it!" asked Jerry chuckled, he tasted one spoonful of noodles from Debbie's plates 
"How does it taste? asked Debbie, eyes narrowed at him
"It tastes great!" replied Jerry, smiling face.
"I told you!" said Debbie giggling
"Can I have some again Debbie?" asked Jerry corner of their mouth arising
"Duh. No!" replied Debbie laughing
"Please dear!" said Jerry pleading
"Okay take some anyway!" replied Deborah, smiling face
"Thanks dear!" said Jerry cheerfully, he took another two spoonful of noodles from her plates

"You're welcome! let's start going now Jerry before the lecturer comes in." replied Debbie, she had finished eating her food
"Okay dear." replied Jerry softly, cleaning his mouth with the tissue
Jerry was holding Deborah's hands cheerfully and they both went out from the cafeteria, while some of their colleagues were just making jest of them, some were happy while some were envious of their relationship.
Jerry and Debbie were intimate best friends, they walked together, eat together, sat together and did most things together. People always call them couples because of how they behave among their colleagues.
Inside the lecture room, everyone was already sitting down, listening to what the lecturer was teaching them. Jerry and Debbie were already in the lecture room seated. Some minutes later, Kate walked inside the lecture room a little bit late, she was looking for where to sit because everywhere was already occupied. Finally, she sighted a vacant seat next to Deborah and that seat belonged to Adam who was also Deborah's close friend.
Adam wasn't in school yet, and no one even bothered to sit on his seat. Kate gently walked over to Deborah's seat and said to her.
"Hello! Can I sit with you please?" asked Kate gently, she was looking at Deborah closely and Jerry was not paying attention to the girl standing, behind Debbie, he was busy jotting down what the lecturer was saying to them.
"Yeah, sure!" Deborah quickly took her handbag from Adam's seat and placed it on her lap
"Thank you!" replied Kate politely
"You welcome," said Deborah softly
"What course is this, please?" asked Kate gently, she noticed she had missed some lectures
"Research methodology," replied Deborah cheerfully
"Okay, can I borrow your handout? I promise to return it back!" asked Kate gently, with her eyes pleading
"Okay, when are you returning it?" asked Deborah softly
"Tomorrow! I promise," replied Kate smiling face and she crossed her heart with her hands playfully. Deborah was amused by her funny behavior
"Alright you can have it.", said Deborah laughing
"Thank you!" replied Kate clasping hands. After an hour the lectures ended and everyone rushed out from the lecture room to their various hostel.

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