Chapter Eight

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"Ggukie?"- Yugyeom calls Jungkook for the third time in a row but the latter doesn't answer.  Yugyeom throws a plushie to Jungkook to get his attention. Jungkook gets startled, "what?"
"Don't what me."- Yugyeom stands up to get another beer from the fridge, "I've been calling you for a minute. What are you thinking so deeply?"
"Nothing."- Jungkook shakes his head and concentrates on tuning his guitar.
Yugyeom comes back with a beer and sits across his bestfriend.
"You really think you can fool me with that smile of yours?"- Yugyeom leans back on his chair, relaxed as he keeps sipping his beer.
Jungkook stares at him. Vaguely. Perhaps, at the wall behind Yugyeom's head.
"Where's the poster?"- he asks quietly.
Suppressing his urge to call or text Taehyung is so overwhelming now that Jungkook feels suffocated. Choked by his own emotions.
"I removed it. The colors were fading."- Yugyeom looks away as he crashes the can.
Jungkook nods and puts the guitar back in its case.
His mind is still full with Taehyung. It's been almost a week since the party yet Taehyung hasn't called him back. He hasn't seen Taehyung in the bar. He has tried calling him but the calls are not connecting.
"There's something I need to tell you."- Yugyeom hesitates as he fidgets his fingers.
Jungkook looks at his bestfriend, eyebrows knitted in query.
"He came to meet you in the next morning. You were sleeping."- Yugyeom says and gives a pause to gauge Jungkook's reaction. Jungkook's face lightens up. Just a mention of Taehyung and he beams up.
"And?"- Jungkook springs up from his bed excited.
Yugyeom's voice shakes, "I met him and said that he should stop playing with your emotions. That you are a good person and you will be the one ended up hurt if this continues."
He stops and looks at Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes are welling up and his nostrils are fuming.  Jungkook palms his face and speaks nothing.
His body is shaking and Yugyeom knows he's crying. But he dares not to console him.
Jungkook again springs up from his bed and without uttering a word storms off of the room. Yugyeom hears the entrance door closing with a loud bang.
Jungkook takes a cab to Taehyung's company. The traffic on the way is so bad in the rush hour that he feels restless. He looks at his watch. 8 in the evening. That's the time Taehyung leaves his office.
He dispenses the cab and starts running. His heart beats faster as he reaches the building. The receptionist worriedly looks at him when he asks for Taehyung.
"He's in his office. 34th floor."- She replies as she offers him a bottle of water. Jungkook thanks her and again rushes to the elevator. The elevator takes him to the top floor within five minutes. When he's about to enter Taehyung's office, Mr. Lee spots him.
"Mr. Jeon."- Lee greets him bowing.
"Taehyung?"- Jungkook manages to ask within his uneven breaths.
"He's inside.."- Lee Doesn't get to finish his words before Jungkook barges in the President's office.
Taehyung is startled as he hears the noise and is about to scold the one who has dared to do it but his eyes meet with a pair of crying doe eyes.
And he immediately leaves his chair and takes long strides to come near Jungkook. Jungkook is panting. His breathes are uneven, eyes are teary and he's about to crash on the floor. But taehyung's firm grip around his waist prevents him from falling.
"What are you doing here?"- Taehyung asks him softly. His voice is like a summer breeze now. Soft and sweet.
"I..I.."- Jungkook stutters. His legs are wiggling. Taehyung can feel that the younger's body shaking. So he lifts him up and Jungkook doesn't protest. Taehyung takes him to the couch and pours him a glass of water.
Jungkook calms down after drinking two glasses of water.
"Did you come running here?"- Taehyung queries his eyes widen when the latter nods.
"Why?"- Taehyung rubs the tear drops from the younger's face with his thumbs as he questions.
"Because I missed you."- Jungkook manages to say without stuttering.
Taehyung says nothing but his face hardens. His eyes are stuck on Jungkook and the latter finds it incomprehensible.
"I...mean.."- Jungkook fidgets his fingers but it is disrupted as the older boy pulls him into a kiss. It's just a peck first. And it's over before Jungkook could feel the softness of Tae's lips on his.
Taehyung finds  Jungkook looking at him with his big doe eyes expectantly.
"Don't look at me like that."- Tae's voice has turned breathy and he struggles to control his desires. Desires of kissing those pouty lips again and again. Caressing that face again and again. And holding that slender body in his arms again and again.
Jungkook doesn't flinch his eyes and comes an inch closer to the president.
"If you come an inch closer again, I will not hold myself back."-Taehyung rasps, his piercing gaze sets fire inside Jungkook's body. He advances an inch closer again and Taehyung lets out a curse loudly.
"Fuck!"- Taehyung grabs Jungkook by his small waist and pulls him up on his lap. His lips then collide with the younger boy. Hungrily. Like they haven't kissed each other for ages. Jungkook's petite frame shakes as Taehyung keeps calling his name in between those wet smooches.
Taehyung's husky voice unlocks that hidden desire in his heart. The desire of making love to this man.
In between those hot kisses, Jungkook undoes Taehyung's tie and starts unbuttoning his vest jacket.

Taehyung doesn't stop him. He's ready to break down all the barriers right now which seperates him from Jungkook. He himself does the same. He slides his long hands inside Jungkook's hoodie and pulls it up to his chest.
He looks at the younger's petite frame as he pins him down on the couch. He places moisty kisses on the crook of Jungkook's neck and whispers,"You are so beautiful, Jungkook-ah!"
Jungkook's cheeks turn light pink as he holds Taehyung's face, "You are very handsome Mr. Kim."
"Call me by my name."- Taehyung whispers in Jungkook's ear as he bites the earlobe.
Jungkook's gasps at the sensation. Taehyung slides his leg in between Jungkook's as he begins planting moist kisses on the latter's docile body.
Jungkook fails to suppress a moan this time and that ignites fire in Taehyung's heart. He hastily removes Jungkook's belt and unzips the pants.
And now Jungkook's member stands hard and firm all ready to get taken care of.
Taehyung touches it and Jungkook's stomach is throbbing already. Taehyung touches the tip of Jungkook's dick, pre cum is sticking out of it. He licks the shaft and Jungkook stops him, "No...Mr. Kim what are you..."
"Lie back and relax. Let me take care of you. Okay?"- Taehyung smiles warmly as he puts Jungkook's member inside his mouth.
The warm sensation makes Jungkook's head go blank. The up and down movement of Taehyung's head, the squelching noise that's been emitting during the process and the dim light around the room work together to make the younger boy close his eyes in pleasure.
"Aah...Aah...I'm about to.."- Jungkook's toes curl and the churning sensation in his stomach grows. Taehyung takes it out of his mouth and starts stroking it repeatedly as he sucks on the younger's balls.
"Tae.. Taehyung!"- Jungkook groans and his cum splatters all over on Taehyung's hand.
"I'm so sorry..Let me just.."- Jungkook tries to get up but Taehyung pulls his legs towards his own groin.
He unzips his member and starts rubbing it with Jungkook.
"How does it feel?"- Taehyung asks huskily.
"Good."- Jungkook replies as his hips tighten.
"It better does."- Taehyung murmurs as he paces up. The couch makes creaking noise as he goes faster.
The frictions of skin on skin, the warm breathes they are exchanging while claiming each other's lips, perhaps work like a catalyst. They both climax together and Taehyung lies down beside Jungkook, disheveled, beads of sweat popping up on his forehead.
He flanks his arms around Jungkook and the latter starts to fall asleep in Tae's warmth. The musky essence of Taehyung's body intoxicates him like a sedative. He falls asleep with a smile on his face. And having Taehyung's arms wrapped around his body.



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