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Jamal's speed was increased to a very good level, but too good.

He was forcefully brought to a hospital for a doping test and was found positive; Immediately he was removed from the US Olympic squad.
  Jamal tried to take out his frustration the only way he knew how to  "RUNNING".

in the pouring rain after running for at least 1 hour he finally stopped at a hill which overlooked the city of Boston perfectly.

Suddenly he was struck by lightning
The SHS X pill reacted with the lightning and absolutely absorbed the lightning and in turn kept him alive but with a side effect which allowed him to run as fast 299 million meters per second.

That's about 186 thousand miles per second, Jamal was knocked out cold by the lightning.

When Jamal woke up he found himself at the bottom of the hill without the slightest memory of what happened.

When he stood up he looked at his hands and saw lightning rushing through him.

in the light of this shocking discovery Jamal quickly got up and ran in the direction of Axel's shop and was shocked to see how fast he was moving.

he thought it was fitting of him to use his newly acquired superpower for a test drive and went around the entire city in a matter of seconds until he was met with the sudden impact of a huge brick wall.

being dazed he quickly remembered that he was supposed to meet Axel and enquire more on his sudden superhuman abilities.

When he arrived at Axel's shop he looked busy so Axel looked around the shop, the shop was grey with very bad lighting it also had a huge shelf stacked to the rooftop with different boxes.

mostly labelled failed experiments, across the office was Axel's desk completely full of paper work most noticeably the ones that had to do with FBI or the CIA.

So much work for a guy who looked like he was older than Jamal with barely 5 years
From his brown eyes to his dimples that both had a positive effect on his dark skin complexion, further down to his tank top you could clearly see his Roman reigns style tattoo on his ripped body he was quite tall around 6ft 5in.

Then he noticed Jamal and ushered him to a seat, Jamal sat down and said.

What the fuck did you give me dude you said there were no side effects but I'm fucking running like I'm fucking kid Flash or something.

In a chill tone, Axel answered saying; You must have been struck by lightning.

And like electricity his memories came flooding in.

"We need to do some tests right now but as you see I don't have the time or the equipment to run those tests" Said Axel.

Being from a rich family Jamal offered to sponsor the tests.

And about the time, he allowed the tests to be conducted on a Saturday as it was Thursday.


'Yo Axel I'm here and it's Saturday, and wee agreed that you'd conducts some tests in my speed so get your lazy black butt over here' said Jamal.

'chill  I'm coming can't a man have two minutes'said Axel as he descended from the stairs.
He then offered a handshake to Jamal and Jamal reluctantly returned the handshake, then they left the building in Axel's Car.

It wasn't even a good car it was a Toyota Corolla which looked like it survived WW1, it had no lights, the trunk of the car was being held down by duct tape and some ropes the interior reeked of rotten McDonalds food and it was evident from the amount of burger wrappers that littered the grounds and the dashboard of the car, although Jamal was irritated by the smell of the car Axel seemed to embrace it.

After driving for almost an hour Axel finally stopped the car at a huge warehouse which seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere, they got out of the car and headed to door when Axel opened it Jamal couldn't stop himself from showing his feeling of surprise.

The warehouse from outside looked dirty and abandoned from outside looked like it could be used in a James Bond movie, It was painted white, grey and black it had a very huge running track with A large room that looked liked it was used to observe speed It also had a huge lab which was completely filled with state of the art equipment.
And finally a gigantic room full of what seemed liked futuristic tech.
'You put my money to work' said Jamal it was evident from the way he reacted that he was excited to see what was yet to come.

  'You put my money to work' said Jamal it was evident from the way he reacted that he was excited to see what was yet to come

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So how did you find the first official chapter please could you give me feedback on this positive or negative I can take it.

To anyone curious to why this is short I like them like that
The shorter they are the more chapters you get
And I honestly can't write an epistle.

Also sorry for any mistakes while writing cos it ain't easy writing 866 words.



his chapter is completely horrible 😂😂😃😔.

OUTBURST--- THE TRUE STORY OF SPEEDWhere stories live. Discover now