chapter 2

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"Alright, 7 o'clock, that's means I'm officially off." Steve says while taking off his new Family Video vest.

I look up at the clock and sure enough it reads 7:00 on the dot, I frown slightly.

"Well as much as I hate to admit it, you guys didn't totally suck today." I say while locking the front door.

Just then thunder rumbles and and It begins to pour, Steve runs to his car, covering his hair like it was his most prized possession, which after years of knowing  him it definitely was. 

"Oh come on dingus, I'm sure the ladies will still love you even with wet hair, if anything it makes you more sexy." Robin says while messing up his hair even more with her her hands. I move towards both of them and join in on the fun, "Aw look at Stevie boy, you look so cute, like a little puppy." 

"Enough ladies, I know that you both want a piece of me, but not out here where everyone can see!" Steve yells out. Robin looks at him with a mix of disgust and amusement and punched his shoulder "EW STEVE, count me out!" 

Steve looks at me with puppy eyes, "What about you Nat?" He inches closer to me, at this point our foreheads are practically touching. "Do you fancy me?" He asks, chuckling to break the awkwardness. Robin glares at us, quickly looking away.

"God no Steve!" I laugh out, pushing him as far as I could. "You know you're really not my type, like at all."  I say matter-of-factly.

Robin looks up, giving me a small smile before Steve answers with a laugh

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Robin looks up, giving me a small smile before Steve answers with a laugh. "Right then, I suppose that's my cue to leave." He opens his car door, getting in and starting his car.

"Woah is this your car!" Robin blurts out, racing towards my 1969 Plymouth GTX. "Yea, I got her for my 17th birthday, my grandpa and I fixed her up." The thunder rumbles even louder, the rain getting heavier. I look at Robin while she's holding her bike. 

"Hey, you want a ride?" I ask her, motioning towards my car. "Oh no thank you, um I wouldn't want to be a bother of anything." Robin says. Her eyes catch mine and I can't peel away, Fuck, She's really gorgeous. 

"No I insist!" I say a little too boldly. "I mean, if anything happened to you I'd be stuck working alone with Steve, and to be honest you're kind of my favorite." I swear I catch her blushing as she brushes a strand of hair behind her ear.  " Well I guess, but only because you have a cool car." She says sarcastically while opening the passenger door. "Oh so you mean not because I'm super awesome and you want to become my best friend?" I ask, getting into my car.

I start my car and turn up the radio volume, Girls On Film plays as we pull out of the parking lot, the rain pounding down on my car

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I start my car and turn up the radio volume, Girls On Film plays as we pull out of the parking lot, the rain pounding down on my car. "You like this song?" I ask her as she's humming along. "I like most music, I'm in band" she states.  Of course I know that she's in band, since the moment that I first met her sophomore year in Mrs. Click's class I've remembered everything she's said, keeping her words in my head like it was treasure. "Ah that's right, you're a band nerd" I tease. 

She starts giggling, "Hey it's not my fault that my ears are little geniuses." Her voice sounding raspier than normal, that's really hot. The rest of the car ride is a comfortable silence. She directs me where to turn, and before I know it we're at her house. I pull into her driveway and put my car in park. The moonlight is spilling into my car, shining on Robin like a spotlight. When I look at her it feels like I'm looking at a Pollock, I have to take my time, taking in all her features, admiring her beauty. 

100 different thoughts are racing through my head, but the most stupidest thought comes out of my mouth. "So, are you and Steve a thing?" I ask. She looks at me and starts laughing. "You think Me and that dingus are dating? why would you even think that?" my cheeks flush as embarrassment rushes through my body. "I mean you guys are always together, and you're always teasing him, I just kind of figured something was going on between you guys, plus I've heard some rumors from around town." Her face takes a more serious look. "That's the thing with this stupid town, everyone assumes things that are farthest from the truth." She looks at me and scrunches her eyebrows. "Do you ever feel like you're holding in a secret so big that a part of you prays that it just comes out, even if a made you the town's pariah?" I smile at her, if only she knew. "Everyone has secrets Robin, I'd be lying If I said that I didn't." She nods her head, somewhat satisfied with my answer. 

"So what did you mean when you said that Steve was far from your type?" She asks me with a curious grin. "You mean why am I not head over heels for Harrington like every other girl is?" She lets out a laugh "All but you and I it appears" Robin says. "I don't know, I feel like I've known Steve too long to be attracted to him. I've been with him through it all, the bad haircuts, braces, and heartbreak. I feel like he's more like a brother at this point." I explain. By this time the rain has subsided and the night sky is on full display. I may hate Hawkins, but the stars make it worth it.

"Ok so what if Steve isn't your type then what is your type?" Her question catches me off guard, but I'm quick with my answer. "I want someone whose a bit eccentric, someone whose smart and that always has a sarcastic answer for everything." At this point I'm basically describing Robin. "Someone who isn't afraid of being frank, but yet will be your number one supporter. And their voice, I like raspy voices." Robin has a look on her face that I can't fully read, she looks like she's choosing what to say, but can't decide. I shouldn't have rambled on so much, I should've kept my answer simple. "Well I hope that you find your dream guy one day." She says with a cracked voice. "Thanks for the ride Natalie, I really appreciate it." She's says while opening the passenger door. "Of course, I don't mind at all. Seriously anytime you need a ride I'm here." She smiles and waves goodbye. 



Author's Note: Hey! I'm so happy that I finally pushed out this chapter, believe me it's been in my drafts for a week now. I really want to make this book special so please let me know what you guys want.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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