Bonus Chapter (9)

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((Would you guys believe me if I told you that the reason why I took too long to update was because I spent all this time trying to look for a GOOD picture of Mochi for my story?......well I did 😂🙈 And it was the most FRUSTRATING thing I've ever done because everyone has fanart but HIM!! Like WHY?!?! 😫 I was even THIS close to looking for commissions....but..yeah 😂))

((Also, this takes place a few days after Shion's chapter 😆))

You are in your room watching some random movie while eating some popcorn that you have prepared yourself.

The wound on your leg is healing nicely, thanks to Dr Hoang's aid, but Mikey still forbade you from going on any missions until you're completely healed.

Which is nice.

But you've been home alone for the past few days.

Almost everyone had to leave Tokyo to meet up with business partners.

And since they're all the way across Japan, they've been staying out there.

And the remaining flew out of the country to settle a drug deal.

As exhausting as all of that sounded, its probably way better than to stay all alone in a big mansion.

So you just spent all this time eating popcorn and watching some random movie you found on Netflix.

You- "Stay out of her room you JERK..."

You said to the TV while still eating popcorn.

You- "You're a cheater and a liar....she deserves bet-."


You groaned when you heard your phone go off.

Because it meant you have to get up a bit to grab your phone.


You reached over to grab the remote to pause the TV before answering your phone.

You- "Hello?"

"Its me."

You- "I know Mikey, what's up?"

Mikey- "Not much, just wanted to check up on you.."

You- "Well I've been bored..."

Mikey chuckles.

Mikey- "I can tell, you sound like you're laying down while snacking."

You narrowed your eyes and moved yourself to sit upright more.

You- "Noooooo."

Mikey- "Its okay, I do that too...Anyways, me, Kakucho and Sanzu are almost on our way back."

You- "You're on the jet already?"

Mikey- "Just about, we still have to go through the agreement before hopping on."

You- "Okay, see you guys in a few hours."

Mikey- "See you soon."

You end the call and stretch a bit before laying back in your old position before pushing PLAY.

You ate some more popcorn while watching the couple on the screen.

They were arguing for a moment until they gazed at each other.

Making you toll your eyes.

You- "They're gonna make up..."

They talked for a little bit longer until their lips gently touched.

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