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A-spec or the a spectrum is an umbrella term (umbrella terms are terms that cover a big group of sexualities like queer or A-spec) that encompasses both the aromantic and asexual spectrums and the many sexual and romantic orientations that are part of them these orientations involve conditional attractions or experiencing no attraction it can also be used as an identity term for people who do not differentiate their experiences of conditional or no attraction into separate labels

The asexual spectrum abbreviated as acespec refers to sexual orientations that are asexual or are closely related to asexuality identities under the asexual umbrella are closely connected as part of a broad community

some sexualities under the asexual umbrella are

asexual is under this umbrella but I have already explained it so I won't explain it again mainly because I'm lazy

demisexual - people are people who usually don't feel sexually attracted to someone until they get to know them Demisexuals still experience sexual attraction but in a way that centers emotions rather than lust

greysexual - Some people use the term to refer to being somewhere in between asexual and sexual If you're graysexual you sometimes feel sexual attraction but not always greysexual can be different for each person

aceflux - aceflux has two common definitions

Someone with a fluctuating orientation and that orientation is always within the asexual spectrumSomeone with an orientation that fluctuates between no attraction some attraction and a lot of attraction

aegosexual - Aegosexual, also known less commonly as anegosexual and formerly referred to as autochorissexual (autochoris means identity-less) is a microlabel on the asexual spectrum that describes those who experience a disconnect between themselves and the subject of arousal. The contemporary term is made up of the prefix a/an- meaning not ego for self and sexual Hence aegosexual or anegosexual literally means sexual without self

apothisexual - Apothisexual which stems from the Greek root apothisan meaning repulsed refers to someone who identifies as asexual and finds sex and/or sexual activity to be disgusting or uncomfortable Individuals who use this term are affected by sex in the media to varying degrees and may try to avoid its presence altogether this term should not be confused with sex-negative which means finding sex immoral

autosexual - Autosexual is a label that refers to someone who mostly or only feels sexual attraction to themselves

cupiosexual - Cupiosexual derived from cupio meaning longing refers to a person who is asexual or on the asexual spectrum and still desires sexual actions despite not feeling an attraction towards people who'd inspire that desire

fraysexual - Fraysexual or ignotasexual describe individuals who experience sexual attraction to those whom they do not know very well for some fraysexual people they may initially be attracted to another person however they find that their sexual attraction fades over time particularly as an emotional connection is formed Some fraysexual people have described their sexuality as an imbalance of morals that prevents them from being able to engage in sexual acts with any other person close to them fraysexuality has been considered by some to be the opposite of demisexuality

lithosexual - Lithosexual formerly known as akoisexual is someone who feels sexual attraction only for those that do not return those feelings

some sexualities under the aromantic umbrella are

aromantic is under this umbrella but I have already explained it

aegoromantic - Aegoromantic or less commonly known as anegoromantic also previously known as autochorisromantic describes those who enjoy the concept of romance but do not have a desire to participate in romantic activities aegoromantic individuals may have romantic fantasies enjoy or romantic media but they tend to feel little to no romantic attraction

apothiromantic - someone who feels no romantic attraction and is repulsed by it

aroflux - people who identify as aroflux may experience their romantic orientation as fluctuating between experiencing and not experiencing romantic attraction or that attraction is being experienced to alternating or changing degrees

autoromantic - autoromantic people may feel romantic attraction for themselves

bellusromantic - Bellusromantic is having an interest in traditionally romantic things without desiring a relationship

Cupioromantic - Cupioromantic describes those who do not experience attraction but do desire a romantic relationship

desinoromantic - Desinoromantic people do not experience full-on romantic attraction but do experience liking someone instead of loving them romantically the attraction then goes no further

frayromantic - Frayromantic people only feel romantic attraction to people that they do not have a strong emotional bond with once they form an emotional bond with that person that attraction disappears or fades

greyromantic - Grayromantic includes (but is not limited to) people who feel very low amounts of romantic attraction rarely feel romantic attraction only feel romantic attraction under specific circumstances or are not sure if they experience romantic attraction It may be considered a romantic equivalent to greysexual

lithromantic - Lithromantic or lithoromantic alternatively called akoiromantic or akoineromantic is someone who feels romantic attraction but does not want it returned or loses that attraction when it is returned they may enjoy romantic relationships in theory but may stop feeling romantic attraction once in a relationship

quoiromantic - Quoiromantic also known as WTFromantic describes not being romantically categorizable being unable to tell the difference between different kinds of attraction being unsure about experiencing romantic attraction or not and/or not feeling the concept of romantic attraction to be relevant to oneself

recipromantic - Recipromantic people only experience romantic attraction after knowing that the other person is romantically attracted to them

so that is a lot of sexual and romantic orientations you don't have to remember them all just acknowledge that they exist and their valid

I hope you learned something from this :)

have a good day and remember you're valid :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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