3 years later...

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Anirudh's POV

Three years had passed, and my wait was nearing the end. In these three years, though the physical distance between Bondita and I increased, our emotional connection got stronger Through the letters we exchanged, I got to know her more and more, I was lonely but her fun talks in her letters kept me company. The memories of her laughters, sweet talks and clever arguments were always replaying in my head. I was eager to see her, she would have probably grown so much now. Last time I saw her she was barely 18 and now she has entered her 20's. 

I exited the ship and landed at the port when I heard a familiar voice, baba. 

"Anirudh, my boy. Oh god we missed you" Baba spoke as he came up to me.

 "Baba it's so nice to see you. I missed you guys." 

"Alright, hop in the car and lets get you home asap. Someone's waiting for you." he smiled, indirectly mentioning her. I was waiting too. 

The car ride home was a peaceful one. It felt good to be back home. Not much had changed, except for a few infrastructure developments here and there. Soon we reached home. It was the same and I loved that about it.

"Arey Anirudh beta, now you are mega barrister. Congratulations" It was Kaka. 

"Kaka, it's so good to see you." I laughed. I missed him and the banters we had. 

"Dada" Som and Batuk called out. They had grown so much. 

"Dada you are looking at a Doctor now" Som proudly said. He had started his medical studies. And I couldn't be prouder. "And you are looking at Batuk in school"  he added. 

But my eyes were searching for someone else. For someone I had been waiting. For years. 

"Who are you looking for?" Kaka questioned. 

"Uhh no one just."

"Bahu is coming with her aarti" Kaka answered. 

And then I heard, the sound of her ankles. It was still the same, the same jingles that my ears were longing to hear. She came out with a aarti plate in her hands. Wearing a blue and red saree. She was a little bit taller now. She looked at me as I laid my eyes on her for the first time in years, I blushed. She immediately looked down and started her aarti. 

"Get rest and we will catch up at lunch ok?" Baba said and everyone left except her. 

"Why don't you go take a shower. Your room is arranged and I will meet you there with a fresh set of clothes. Would you like to have anything special for lunch?" she spoke. Her voice was different now, it was softer. Soft and mature. She was carrying herself with extreme grace. 

"Bondita" I came close and held her shoulders as she smiled. "Why aren't you meeting my eyes." I asked as I held up her chin, forcing her to look at me. 

"Ill meet you soon" she said and left immediately. This woman, oh how I longed to see. My heart was finally at rest. 

Barrister Babu - A Tale of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now