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     Once again, I woke up outrageously early.
     At six in the morning I was already standing on the beach and my ankles were being washed by the cold waves of the Albertine Ocean.
     I didn't want - or need - to summon Wunder. It was all around me anyway.
     The gentle wind played with my hair and the summer dress I was wearing.
     Footsteps sounded behind me.
     "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
     I turned around. Three steps behind me was Jack. His hands were in his trouser pockets and he was looking a little thoughtfully at the sea.
     "Yes," I nodded. Jack watched the faint waves lapping at my feet.
     "I like water," he said.  He breathed in the cold, salty air that played with his hair. "It's so steady. Calm. And dangerous at the same time. It's a problem solver," he laughed. "Have you ever noticed? It comes when it's dry. It leaves when you don't need it. It takes life from one and gives it to another. But one thing it doesn't cure at all. Feelings."
     Other times I would have rolled my eyes at such a deep philosophy, but the last word hit me like a dagger.
     I turned around. I looked at him with my mouth slightly open.
     If I thought I was in love before, how can you call this? Madness? An obsession?
     I took two steps towards him. "Jack, I... you..."
     He swallowed and reached for my hand. We didn't even have time to interlace our fingers when Hawthorne and Mahir ran out of one of the cabins, laughing loudly at something.
     When Jack saw how startled I was, his eyes widened slightly and he let go of my hand immediately. "Same time tomorrow," he muttered, looking at the stones where we sang the first night.
     Then he turned on his heel and disappeared into his cabin before anyone noticed we were ever standing next to each other.

     My own voice echoed in my mind: -When Life gives you lemons...-

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