Living our own life

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     A week after, we returned to Nevermoor.
     With Jack we confessed just that morning. We marched right into Jupiter's cabin - of course, in little bit more personish time, hoping he won't be angrier, as was unavoidable.
     "You know, Jupiter, last weeks we started to more... Notice each other somehow and we got little bit closer even in that other... Direction, so... So maybe we were kissing on the beach for a little and... It came somehow, that... Jupiter, are you okay?"
     In the moment, when Jupiter heard and got, what I tried to tell him, he started to jump up and down on his bed. The sparkles played in his eyes.
     "Anything else?" he asked, leaving me wonder, how he mastered to say that, without his tongue bitten in half.
     "Well... We maybe got together and we just wanted to..."
     I didn't even get to end the sentence, because Jupiter jumped out the cabin and started to tapdance on the sand.
     "Remind me, who decided to tell him today?" Jack said, his hands on his hips, staring at Jupiter.
     "You did," I answered. "You said: He'll be okay with it, maybe little bit furious or crazy, but he'll be still half asleep."
     Jack held his hands up: "Okay, okay, but... Oh, heck, where is he?"
     "What do you me- oh no," I sighed. Jupiter disappeared somewhere, but I heard the sound of splashing water.
     And it weren't just waves.
     "Okay..." Jack sighed. "And what now?"
     I looked at him. "Do you have a swimsuit over here?"


     A half an our later we stood in the warm sea water.
     I felt the little fishes moving around my feet.
     Waves weren't strong, but I couldn't stand without anything to hold. So I held Jack.
     "You think they all are still asleep?"
     "Yeah, maybe."
     "And Jupiter went to the woods. Wet. Tapdancing."
     "Yeah," Jack said, making me sure. I sighed a little, then said: "So we are alone."
     "Yep... seems about right."
     The wave pushed me closer to him.
     I used the movement to get just millimeters away from his lips. I could hear his breath.
     "So maybe we can... You know," I whispered.
     He did the last move and kissed me. I hugged him around his neck, to remain close. His hair mixed up with mine in the slight sea air.
     "I know it's maybe too early, but... I love you," he said. I kissed him again, after whispering: "Love you too."


     Maybe you'd say, it was only some summer romance, or short aphere...
     But no.
     Four years after, half a year before my nineteen birthday, Jack took me to Jet Jax Jaida again. On the same sunrise, as was that first, four years before, he proposed to me. I said yes, and a year after, we got married. We went there, to remember the start of our relationship.
     After another year, when we came there again, I was pregnant with our daughter, Selena.
     When we returned there after five ears break, Selena was almost five years old. She had dark hair and cold pale skin, same as I did, but she had Jack's brown eyes, his height and his talent. We were expecting one of our kids to be a Witness, but her skills appeared much earlier, than we thought.
     Her brother Mercury was three. He had dark hair and warm brown skin, but he was small for his age, as I was. He had my black eyes, what caused him automatical respect all around him.
     Jupiter got old, but he was still that crazy madman with ginger head, blue eyes, and a horrible style.
     When he reached his fifties, we brought him to see his friend Jim once again.
Selena and Mercury were almost teenagers.
     Last time we got there, was Mercury's thirteen and Selena's fifteen. They both were a part of Wundrous Society, even though Jack didn't agree at the begging.
     Mercury showed his skills as Wundersmith three years earlier. I didn't expect that, really. But we didn't judge him, and neither did people. He was able to give you so dead of a glare, that you lost your sentence (Jack was hundred percent sure, that this part Mercury got from me. On the other hand, I was sure, that Jack was able to give a very frightening glance too).

     We spent a great life.
     We got together. Both of us entered a good university. We got married and had two talented kids. We got them a good school. We inherited the hotel, as we grew up.
     And then, when Jack was dying, I wasn't sad, because I knew, we lived our life the best, as we could, and there will be time for sadness later. I knew, that I did the best for him and he did the same for me.
     Jack said to me to keep myself happy. He didn't want me to miss him and be sad. He wanted me to live my life the best, even if it was without him. And he needed to know, that I'll be good. He said to me to find someone else, if it would make me lucky, but I couldn't.
     My family was getting older and older, but I remained the same. And I'll be here for them. Nothing else mattered.

     Selena died twenty five years later. She had a son named John, after her father.
     Mercury's wife and daughter died some time later.
     But he and I remained.
     We stayed on the Sub-Nine, taking care of The Book of Ghostly Hours and Kindling and helping new Basement Nerds.
     Sub-Nine's got some new rooms. One was named Crow, and the second one had a name Korrapati.
     Mercury and I never forgot. But we were there for everyone, who needed us.
     And after almost three hundred years, when I was dying, I knew, that I'll finally meet Jack, after all the long time.
     Mercury promised to take care of everything.
     We found a new Wundersmith, and he said to teach her everything we know.

     And the story goes forward again.

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