𝖐𝖎𝖘𝖘 𝖒𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖎𝖘 𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌

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Question: I wanted to make another 2018 book but this time for Darylle, as I absolutely love her and I feel like she was so underappreciated in the show, and IDK if I should keep Hazel as the OC or create a new OC for her book? 

* Keep Hazel as the OC.

* Create a new OC, and if so give me a few Ideas of like when she should come in or other stuff for her profile and ideas for her.

LAST TIME ON LOVE ISLAND..... *Imagine Ian Stirling's voice*

"At least at the first opportunity you spoke to her last night." Adam continued. "And at least now you have gone and apologised again on the second day. Like what more can you do?"

"Yeah, and the thing is you can't ignore everything with Kaz as you have felt something strong for her. And like, I get that it is upsetting for Georgia, but she has to get over it at some point, if she is continuously just hold this grudge then she needs to get over herself. And I have seen a different side to you with Kaz here, like I've had more one on one chats with you cos whenever we used to have those chats Georgia used to pull you away or used to join us." I told Josh in a long explanation.


When I got downstairs I got into bed with Darylle and Kaz as we cuddled, before Josh walked in with Jack and Wes and came up to us "Sorry Nutella, but she's mine."

"Awwwww cute, but mine." I told Josh as I flipped him off, us three girls just laughing.

"Jack's yours, Kaz is mine." Josh re told me, him only getting a laugh out of me.

But I didn't get up until Jack called out to me "Hey, Lani, come join me." At the use of a nickname from my birth name I got up and I ran over to Jack after giving Kaz and Darylle a kiss on their foreheads.


"Night Bitchlets!" Wes shouted into the bedroom as the lights were going off.

"Night you whores!" I shouted back at them as I sent Wes a middle finger from where I was under my covers.

"Night tossers!" Josh shouts at us two before I dramatically sat up and I took the duvet off of myself and Jack.


"What about me? You don't compliment me like that?!" I asked my two best friends as I raised an eyebrow at them both.

"You're ego is built for a guy that is ripped and like six foot seven, I don't need to feed it anymore." Wes told me as we laughed even louder.

"But you are looking gorgeous." Josh then interjected as I smiled and laughed before flicking my hair over my shoulder.

"Yeah, even if we don't tell you every day, you always look stunning and it's no wonder why you have already got a man wrapped around your finger." Wes told me sincerley as we shared a three way hug.

"Love you boys." I told the two of them as we stayed in the hug.

"Love ya too." They both told me in unison making each of us burst out into laughter over Wes and Josh saying shit in unison.


"You never ask me about me and Jack now you're back?" I asked the two boys as I slightly leaned on the bar in front of us.

"Well we can hear you in bed. We are literally right next to ya. Like you two are not quiet." Wes told us all making Josh laugh whereas I just went red like a tomato.

"Oh GOD!" I told them both as I placed my head harshly on the bar surface with the two boys still laughing at my dramatics.

"What tongues and that?" Wes asked the boy on the other side of me continuing on with the previous conversation.

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