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Hi, I wanted to know which order you would like these four books released, they are all Love Island books, but I wanted to know which you would like to come out first, and by any books below please give any ideas for the books, of what could happen in the OC's story.

These are the four books I have:

* Love Island 2018 Book: Darylle Sargeant x F! BECKHAM! OC

* Love Island Australia 2019 Book: Adam Farrugia x F! PACKHAM TRIPLET! OC

* Love Island 2021 Book: Teddy Soares x F! BANJO! OC

* Love Island 2022 Book: Liam Llewellyn x F! MURPHY! OC

Which of the books would you like to see the most. 

And How should Hazel and Jack tell each other that they love each other? 

Coraline bella come il sole
Guerriera dal cuore zelante
Capelli come rose rosse
Preziosi quei fili di rame amore portali da me
Se senti campane cantare
Vedrai Coraline che piange
Che prende il dolore degli altri
E poi lo porta dentro lei

Coraline, Coraline, dimmi le tue verità
Coraline, Coraline, dimmi le tue verità
Coraline, Coraline, dimmi le tue verità
Coraline, Coraline

Coraline ~

Once Grace and Frankie had left the villa everyone was in bits

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Once Grace and Frankie had left the villa everyone was in bits. Sami's crying was making me cry. And it was just a mess. We were all a mess as we tried to console Sami and her tears, as she was in bits. 

"Baby." I told Sami as I hugged her with Ellie. 

"I just don't understand guys." Sami old us in more bits then before. "I've waited so long in here and finally someone comes in here for me, and I want them. And now he's gone, and I'm back to square one." Sami continued to tell us. 

"Do you know what I mean?" I was sat with her, Ellie and Megan as we all cuddled her. "I don't want to meet anyone else right now." 

"I really hope that Frankie waits for me on the outside." Sami told us as she cried into our shoulders. 

"She's finally found that guy for her, and he's just been taken from her, like why couldn't it have been like Sam in the bottom and not Frankie, I wanted her and Frankie to keep going with their relationship, they're so strong and now she is here alone." I told the beach hut in bits myself. 


"I was so happy that we were both safe from the bottom." I told Jack as we hugged. 

"But I'm telling you this now, if you ever go home I'm going out of here straight behind you, and this went even when we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, I will follow you out of here." I told Jack. 

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