Naruto Shippuden, The Movie: Road To Ninja, Part 6

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

After awhile, a massive explosion rocks the temple across from us, where Naruto is fighting the second masked man. All the puppets have been taken down by the Akatsuki.

"Naruto/kun," Sakura and I breathe in worry, the wind tossing our hair and clothes. When the smoke fades, the building had crumbled away to reveal a boy with dark hair standing over Naruto.

Just then, the raccoon that had fallen onto the river earlier flies back into the air like a red light along with the other creatures and they each embed themselves into the dark haired boy's back, causing him to lumber around, as if in pain.

Once the final light has flown into his back, the ravenette raised his head to smirk at Naruto. Then, with an explosion of chakra, a dark brown version of the Nine Tailed Fox with the ravenette atop it.

"DIE!!" The black haired boy yells before sending the beast's snout for Naruto. As it slams into the ground, another explosion erupts and dust flies up.

But Naruto lands safely as the dark Nine Tails straightens with a growl.

I say in startling realisation as I notice familiar whisked marks on the ravenette's face and blue eyes, "He looks just like Naruto-kun! He's the Nine Tails Jinchuuriki here?"

Naruto calls to us, "I'm the one that he's after. So go on! Get away from here!" Naruto leaps away just before the Nine Tails could clamp its teeth around him.

"Naruto-kun!" I scream, about to run to him, only to be grabbed from around the waist by Itachi.

Kakuzu says in a monotonous tone as Deidara lowers his bird, "Further assistance will fall outside our contract. We weren't paid to deal with this."

"But that's—!" I protest. "Let me go! I can help Naruto-kun!" I start hitting my fists against Itachi's chest, but he still wasn't letting me go.

"I'm afraid I can't let you go, Princess. Your father will have my head if anything happens to you." To my shock, he picks me up bridal style as Kakuzu grabs Sakura's wrist and drags her towards Deidara's bird. With me on his arms, Itachi gracefully leaps up for the clay bird as it flies past, sending up a huge wave of water.

We then fly up and over the river. Once safely on the bird, Itachi gently sets me on my feet.

I watch as the dark Nine Tails pursues Naruto, narrowly missing stomping on him. The dark Nine Tails launches out of the dust and slams down onto the river, causing the earth to quake from the impact. A thousand Shadow Clones have been formed and Rasengans swirl in their right hands.

"Rasengan Barrage!" Naruto calls as grand his clones slam the balls onto the Tailed Beast. A shockwave of power blasts out which destroys the Shadow Clones and throws Naruto into the river with a big splash.

After several heartbeats, a huge shape rises out of the water right below the enemy's Nine Tails. With great force, the shape throws the enemy away before landing atop the river. To our shock, it was the red Nine Tails, with Naruto stop it!

Both beasts run at each other and tackle one another, tumbling over and atop each other. They were biting and clawing at the other. As the Dark Nine Tails dashes out of the spray, it starts to form a Tailed Beast bomb. The red Fox fires bolts of chakra but the brown Fox dodges them before leaping into Uther air and firing more bolts. The red Fox fired bolts of chakra from the river.

Explosions and pillars of chakra blast throughout the area. Meanwhile, the Akatsuki, Sakura and I have landed on a branch a safe distance away and gotten off the bird.

Itachi demands to know, "What's going on?"

Deidara drawls, sitting beside Sakura, "This is way too artsy. They don't have to reshape the whole landscape."

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