when the pain bites so bad, than i think my heart will break. Yes, then I even notice, our love, yes it knows no borders, it encloses this world and I only realize how important you are to me when you are no longer here, among people. and then I realized that if I had known then how the pain was tearing me apart, I wouldn't have reached for your hand. and even though you are no longer here with us, remember, wherever you are, our thoughts are close. maybe even united. But not a day will go by that I don't want to see your smile again, shining bright as the starlight. and then I realized that if I had known then how the pain was tearing me apart, I wouldn't have reached for your hand. but our love, it works for all eternity. and I hope so much that I can see you again. Sometime.
Poems And Short Storys
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