¶×Chapter 4: President School Auror & Lost Crystal׶

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"HM! ahh" Blaze was stretching while going out of the classroom with his brother, Ais. "I still can't believe you got a 100 points from the Principal..." Blaze said with Jealousy while Ais could only smirk which made Blaze annoyed, then someone tapped on Ais's shoulder. "Hm?" Ais turned around who it was "Uhm Hello! I was wondering if I can ask you something?" "Yea sure but do I know you?". Ais seemed to wonder who this girl was, the girl has pink hijab covering all her hair, a sheep shaped pin attached to her left chest and a sheep pen on her hand behind her back "Haha I'm sorry, It seems that I forgot to introduce myself." "Yea sure" thought Blaze crossing his arms, he seemed to be in a bad mood because of Ais annoying him or just because he was hungry.

"I am Yaya, The President Auror" Yaya held her hands to shake Ais's hand "President Auror?" "Yep! By the way I wanted to ask if you can teach me some of your cooking techniques" said Yaya while smiling then Ais then said "I- well... I don't really have a technique, it's just a skill I had for cooking. Why? Isn't yours good as well?"Ais seemed to wonder why this "Yaya" girl is asking his techniques for cooking even tho the Principal gave her a 90 points. "Uhh... people said my cookies were weird tasting. I don't know what I did wrong with my cooking or baking making my foods taste that weird." Ais saw Yaya's face frowning "May I taste this cookie of yours? I mean it cannot be that bad." the words Ais said wiped the frowning out of Yaya's face and was replaced by happiness and excitement.

Yaya then went back inside the classroom hurriedly then came back to the twins with a basket full with different shaped and colored cookies. "Woah!! They look soo tasty! Mind if I get one as well?" "Not at all! Take your pick!" Yaya said with glee. Blaze took a the star shaped cookie while Ais took the heart one, they were about to take a bite when suddenly -- "WAIT!" the three looked where the loud "wait" was coming from"Ochoboy?" Ochoboy ran as fast as he can to the twins before it was too late *huff huff*. "Woah calm down Trackstar, what's with the loud wait?" Blaze said to Ochoboy while helping him up and to balance himself after running that fast, then Ochoboy whispered to them "Ais, Blaze don't eat the cookie I'm warning you two..."

"Why? Is it poisoned?"said Ais then Ochoboy screamed "I DON'T KNOW!?" "Hm? What are you guys talking about?" Yaya appeared behind Ochoboy's back then Ochoboy squealed. "Ah! President Auror Yaya! Beautiful day is it?" Ochoboy sweat dropped while talking to Yaya "Oh! Well hello Secretary Auror Ochoboy. Yes, it is a beautiful day but why ask that question?" "Oh.. I- uh-" Ochoboy was trying to find an excuse when suddenly he felt someone fainted behind his back, he looked and then saw...

"Oh boy.." Ochoboy saw Blaze on the floor and Ais looked like he was about to throw up "So? How was it?"said Yaya with her eyes sparkling "It taste lik-" Ais was about to say his word when suddenly Ochoboy hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand. Ochoboy them whispered to Ais "There's a most important rule to follow, the rule is: Do NOT tell Yaya her cookies are bad, she'll go berserk. And trust me, you don't want that to happen..".

Ais nodded then Ochoboy removed his hand from Ais's mouth, Ais could finally breath then spoke "It's the most delicious cookie I've ever tasted, I don't think there's wrong with your cooking or baking, Hehe" Ais was scratching his non-itchy face, Yaya's face full of delight and happiness finally hearing from someone that her cookies are delicious. While Ochoboy was trying to wake Blaze, someone suddenly appeared behind them, "Woah what happened to him?" Lunar asked "Ah! Lunar,Solar you two are here" Yaya looked at the other two and was shocked, "Wait! You guys are Quadruplets!?" "Oh no they're not, they're Octuplets to be exact" Ochoboy correcting Yaya.

"SOLAR!!!" a green boy ran fast towards Solar then jumped on him, and fell. "Ack! Duri don't jumped on me like that, we might get hurt!" "Hehe...Sorri" then Duri helped Solar up "Hello!" Taufan was coming towards them with his floating hoverboard then behind him is Gopal "DEY! SLOW DOWN, I'M A SLOW RUNNER YOU KNOW?" after reaching their destination, Gopal then kneeled down trying to catch his breath. He looked up and saw Yaya who is still looking at the brothers with awe and shocked.

"EKK! President Auror Yaya, Good Morning!" Gopal bowed at Yaya making her snapped out back to reality "Ah! Gopal didn't see you there" "Woah! President Auror Yaya still looks like a beautiful angel" Gopal thought looking at Yaya's angelic face "but she still have that scary devil darkside when she gets mad..." Gopal's expression changed after thinking that.

"Hey guys!"a waved greeted them "Huh? *Gasp* ABANG!" yelled Taufan. Taufan them went off his hoverboard and ran hugging the two "Taufan! Let me go!" Halilintar said struggling to get out of Taufan's bear hug "I see you guys are all here. Huh? Who is that? And what happened to...BLAZE!?" Gempa panicked and ran to Blaze who is still petrified after eating the cookie. "He fainted.." Ais said then Gempa looked at him "long story ok? I'll tell you at the cafeteria." "And this is uhh the err President Auror...Mimi?" Ais said pointing his hand on Yaya, "Mimi!? I'M YAYA!" Yaya went from a happy face into an angry one "Hey Yaya calm down, he said your cookies were delicious didn't he?" "Hm, you're right. Fine I'll spare him" good thing Ochoboy managed to call Yaya before she even gave Ais a detention"What's an Auror?" questioned Duri with his head tilting sideways. "I'll tell you all in the cafeteria come on, and don't worry Gempa, Blaze is fine. He'll wake up in a minute or two".

After going to the cafeteria and finding a seat

"Ugh..." Solar's hair was a little messy and was lying his head on the table, it seems like he is thinking of something that is bothering him instead of eating. "Hm? What's wrong?" asked Blaze who is munching his food while speaking "Blaze, no speaking when you're mouth is full." "What? I'm just asking Solar what's wrong" "Just eat your food Blaze" Gempa sighed then turned to Solar who is still lying his head on the table and ignoring his food "Solar anything all right?" Solar finally lifted his head up and then answered "If I tell you, will you be mad at me?" "It depends of what you're gonna say. If you did something good we'll be fine with it, but if it's bad... we might kill you" said Halilintar looking at him as well, Gempa kicked Halilintar's foot under the table. "OK OK SORRY...geez no need to kick me" "I- uhh-...." Solar finding the right word "I cannot use my powers..." everybody stopped eating except for Ais and Gopal, Yaya was eating with them as well and Ochoboy "Why not?" Taufan asked.

Silence came from Solar, he was fidgeting his hands "Because... I might lose control of it..." then silence answered Solar then Halilintar eyes widened in realization "You- YOU LOST YOUR CRYSTAL!?" Halilintar bellowed making the other jumped from their seat and accidentally spitting out their food in shocked. Yaya, Gopal & Ochoboy could only stare at them in confusion "What crystal?" asked Ochoboy to the brothers, Gempa pulled Halilintar down back to his chair immediately then told him "Hali! Calm down! They'll get suspicious of us." "Well Gempa for your information more students will get suspicious if they found a glowing yellow crystal that only belongs to the ROYALS!" Halilintar was soo mad and was walking away from the table not even bothering to finish his food "Where are you going!?" "I'm gonna find the goddamn crystal!" then he walked away leaving all of them and Solar followed him, then Gempa and then Ochoboy. Leaving Duri, Taufan, Blaze, Ais, Gopal & Yaya on the table with confusion and panic on their faces.

"LIGHTBULB WHERE DID YOU LAST PUT IT!?" "I- D-DON'T KN-KNOW!" Halilintar was shaking Solar faster and faster making Solar more dizzy "Halilintar! You need to calm down, you're gonna electrocute your own brother!" Gempa was trying pull away the two while Ochoboy can only look at them without doing anything "It will be his punishment for losing his crystal!". After Gempa managed to pull them away from each other, a voice seemed to be speaking from a speaker.

📢: Solar Vespertine, please come to the Auror office immediately. I repeat, Solar Vespertine come to the Auror office, we got something of yours.

The brothers looked at each other and said "Shit..."


Hello y'all! Sorry for the slow update, I'm trying the best I can to make ideas.

I was planning to get to 2000 or 3000 words but ran out of ideas instead, so I stopped here. I'll think I'll do it in the next chapter?

Promise I'll update more faster, depends how busy I am Hehe.

Anyways that's all I gotta say! Hope you liked this chapter! I don't know if it's a cool chapter or not but who cares. Anyways see ya next chapter! BABOOSH! *POOF*

The Elem Brothers ( Welcome to the World of Euphoria) A Boboiboy AU [Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now