Chapter One

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Context: Crimson is age two at this point in time. His parents are mainly going to be introduced. THIS IS YOUR FINAL TRIGGER WARNING!! So if you are sensitive to these topics, please read with caution.


Broken bottles. 

Sharp pieces of glass, spread across the floor like grass in a farmers field, along with the ear-piercing cry of an infant child - who knew no better. The shouting that happened around him, hid his sorrowful whines for help. The prominent smells of substances, a child should not have been exposed to at such a young age, filled the room like a foggy mist on a stormy day... Crashing and banging, followed up by howls and yelps continued on, as Kyle proceeded to beat his wife Diana. The ''responsible'' parental figures of the child, constantly argued... Kyle is an aggressive father figure who treated his wife as a slave, showing his teeth and growling whenever she disobeyed. He was a tall, looming figure of dread, whenever he came home after his drinking sessions and didn't even bat an eye towards his son. Shoving Diana against the wall in his drunken rage. The smell of weed and alcohol in his breath was the last thing Diana remembered, before being knocked unconscious. On the other hand, the child's selfish mother seemed to give him more attention since she had no choice, if not Kyle would've beaten her again. She was a better woman before she met Kyle but his insufferable habits left Diana in a state of misery and lead her to drug abuse. The reason for Crimson's existence was a mistake to her, because she believed that she was under Kyles influence at the time he was conceived. The only thing she cared about now was herself... 

Diana being under the influence of weed again, didn't even remember what had happened, as she pulled herself together. Coughing up blood, she wobbled to her feet as her muscles were giving up on her. She took it step by step, trying to make her way over to the infants crib, with the regret of him being alive plaguing her head. She had no maternal instincts which should have developed during her pregnancy. She let out a growl, just as Kyle did to her, as she leant dangerously over the side of the crib. She hung over him like an aggressive predictor waiting to attack. As he knew no better and had a looming, blurred by tears, figure above his small innocent head, the child had calmed down. For a moment, it seemed as if Diana had a motherly impulse while she leant down towards the child's face, however she spoke to him with such spite - it could make a lemon seem sweet...

'Shut the fuck up, Crimson.' Diana whispered in a selfish voice, as if she had done this many times before. Then she dropped back into the messy, broken sofa and fell into a deep sleep. Kyle on the other hand, had gone out. He had snuck off to the garage to smoke - since he was addicted but wouldn't admit it. Sauntering back into the house he took himself upstairs and left the baby alone. As usual. The starving, attention deprived child finally fell asleep and the silence to him was bliss, like you had just turned your alarm clock off and continued to snooze. Silence in the decaying, messy, and dangerous house only happened on nights when both parents cannot stay awake any longer. The innocent child will die if things didn't change...


As sun reflected off of the glass shards that had been spread across the living room and the morning birds had started humming their blissfully ignorant songs, a starving child shrieked. The empty sharp stabbing pain in his stomach - hunger - was getting to him... Grudgingly, Diana pulls herself to her feet trying to take care of the infant. When she finally came around surprisingly she could remember some of last night. Out of nowhere the doubts about her love for Kyle in the first place, and how she is stuck in a hell-hole with him flood her mind. Spiraling thoughts whirl around her head like a tornado with debris. Diana's brain was over-thinking everything as she was finally coming to her senses. Maybe, if she left Kyle then her life could get back on track - aggression started to bubble up inside her. After having fed her mistake, Crimson, for the first time in hours, she stormed off upstairs. Hearing the pounding of yet another argument just over his head, Crimson didn't even respond - immune to the ambience of fighting and despair when a child should have never heard such sounds in the first place. After around half an hour of muffled yelling a door slams shut, followed by:

'Kyle! We are getting a DIVORCE!'


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