Chapter Three

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Context: Crimson is eight years old at this point in time. Nothing has changed in his terrible school and home life. This chapter will develop (OR TRY TO) on the relationship between Ace and Crimson.


Clear skies.

Luckily, the last day of school before the summer break had finally rolled around and Crimson was already heading through the front doors with his head held high, like a king walking to his throne. The usual scene greets him upon entering the building, Ace and his group of followers - who hadn't stopped picking on him since, ''the incident'' when they were five. Crimson tried to ignore their persistent name calling but eventually ended up responding to them:

''What do you want Ace?''

''I wanna ask why you are so lonely? Ahahaha!''

''Ugh, so the same old stuff huh? You always pick on me, go do something else with your time.''

''Pfft! Why? This is way more fun!''


Crimson shrugged, as he rolled his eyes and continued down the outstretched corridor. Ace's gang of 'sheeple' kept on following him, in bullying Crimson, as they screamed random mean things down the corridor at him. Just like a bunch of screaming banshees. The sunlight that beamed through the corridor windows contrasted the mood that reflected off of Crimson. The stupid sounds that came out of the tribes mouths', didn't affect him anymore since he blocked them out as if he had earphones in. The colourful numbers and words on the walls helped to distract Crimson from his miserable torment. As he grabbed the sleeves of his red waterproof coat, he slowly pulled it off and placed it on his assigned peg. However as usual, Ace and his group had been ready to throw his things around, again. As they launched his coat and bags on the ground, Crimson refused to give them any of his precious time and continued to class. Miss Addison's room was around the corner and out of habit she came to greet her favourite student.

''Hey Crimson!''

''Hey miss, it's the last day!''

''Yea it is, however the school has to set you all a project for the summer...''

''B-but miss-''

''I'm sorry, I don't have a choice in the matter... Please go and sit down sweetie...''

As she shooed Crimson off to his seat, Ace had walked in on his own, as his friends were in different classes. Ace usually wasn't too bad on his own, or at least that is what Crimson thought. Crimson stared off into the distance falling into his own imaginary world, he watched the clouds go by and smiled at the fact that the world outside had seemed so peaceful, the trees outside swayed in the wind as a gentle breeze blew through them. Crimson wished that hid life was, sunshine and rainbows - however it wasn't. Just as suddenly as Crimson had entered his own world, he was snapped out of it. They were choosing partners for the project. His name had just been called followed by:

''-you will be partnered with Ace''


Of all the people, Out of that entire class. Why did it have to be him?

These thoughts ran through Crimsons head as he had sat down at a table in the corner of the playground to eat his lunch. This was Crimsons usual spot right by the windows of Miss Addison's class, the view from this area was nice as Crimson got to look at children his age as they played and had fun. On the other hand, the best part of the view was the fact that the school was located right next to a beautiful field, which Crimson one day hoped, he could go lay in to watch the clouds. Crimson had always dreamed of just one moment where he knew that someone genuinely cared about him. As he was smiling at that lovely thought Ace walked over on his own, he placed himself next to Crimson and Crimson knew this must be about the project.

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