Stagstar: Next Up Forever

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[spoilers for events in flame's hope-prophecy awaits]
Your eyes are open-Stagkit opens her eyes
So never close them-Her mother curls her tail around her
You'll sail the ocean-Stagkit's eyes widen as her mother says this
Finding where you should be-Stagkit's mother keeps speaking
And if you're broken-Stagkit becomes an apprentice
You'll make your own thing-Her Clan is speaking
You'll make it so big-The Clan is still speaking
For all the world to see-Stagpaw looks around in shock
You'll make it so damn big-Stagpaw's parents say this
For all the world to see-The screen slowly fades into black
[slow beat speeds up]-Flashes of Stagpaw's apprenticeship on the beat
[instrumental]-Stagpaw doing her warrior assessments, becoming a warrior, doing patrols, ect
I'm kinda scared to drop this album-Stagpaw tells her mentor she's scared to become a warrior
Let's push it back another week-She says this
I wanna be next up forever-Stagpaw says this to Raccoonpaw
Find a way to never hit my peak-Stagpaw says this, puffing out her chest.
I kinda wish I was still a virgin-Stagpaw's mom says this, Stagpaw is uncomfortable
Time to finally see what sex is like-Stagpaw tunes out as her mom says this
I wanna be next up forever-She says this, cutting her mom off
Forever I'll be second in line-Stagpaw says this
Someday they'll be talking about me-Stagfeather says this to Mistheart
Right now they're just walking around me-She says this, looking away
My God, are you growing without me?-Stagfeather says this, surprised, because Mistheart has gotten a lot bigger than her
Somebody help me-Stagfeather says this jokingly
(somebody help me)-Small transparent version appears beside her, saying this and looking sad
Someday they'll be talking about me-Stagfeather says this to Raccoontail
Right now they're just walking around me-She says this, tilting her head
My God, are you growing without me?-She says this, realizing that Raccoontail has gotten better at hunting.
Somebody help me (somebody help me, somebody help me, somebody help me)-Stagfeather looks away, getting discouraged
[instrumental]-Stagfeather fighting in the battle against SunClan, trying not to hurt them too badly
This is my imagination-Stagfeather says this to the camera, signaling a small drawing she's made in the dirt
This is how it looks and sounds-Stagfeather says this
But I gotta go so much bigger-Stagfeather puffs out her chest
So they can never shut me down-She deflates a bit.
I'm kinda scared of graduation-Stagfeather says that she's scared of being leader to Mistheart
'Cause who am I when this is done?-She asks this
I wanna be next up forever-She then says this, puffing out her chest
So the best is always yet to come-And nudges Mistheart.
Someday they'll be talking about me-She says this to Tinycloud as they make their way up to the moonstone
Right now they're just walking around me-She then says this
My God, are you growing without me?-Tinycloud says this, laughing
Somebody help me (somebody help me)-Stagfeather smiles, realizing that she's actually gotten taller than Tinycloud
Someday they'll be talking about me-Stagstar says this to Mistheart after gaining her lives
Right now they're just walking around me-Stagstar says this, talking about how the other leaders jsut treat her as another ordinary leader
My God, are you growing without me?-Stagstar asks Flamestar this, he's gotten very big.
Somebody help me (somebody help me, somebody help me, somebody help me)-Stagstar looks away, she's missing Raccoontail. Background slowly fades to black
I gotta go so much bigger-Stagstar says this
So everybody's proud of me-She looks up and says this
Welcome to the Neotheater-Stagstar says this, standing
Won't everybody take their seats?-She gestures to the blackness around her
And I'll be next up forever-She begins walking forwards, saying this
'Cause I don't know what's coming next-She speeds up to a trot
I know I gotta grow up sometime-She says this, sighing
But I don't think I'm ready yet-And then says this
[instrumental]-Stagstar walking forwards, camera keeps pace with her, she slowly speeds up but isn't at a full run yet
I know I gotta grow up sometime-She says this, speeding into a run
But I'm not fucking ready yet-She declares this
Your eyes are open-At the beat drop the scene changes to a large cliff, she's running up it and being chased by rogues, StarClan cats are speaking
So never close them-The StarClan cats are encouraging her
You'll sail the ocean-Slowly, the cats who gave her her lives appear next to her
Finding where you should be-The last five appear
And if you're broken-Raccoontail sings the loudest, encouraging Stagstar to keep running
You'll make your own thing-A tear falls from Stagstar's eye
You'll make it so big-A quick zoomed-out shot of her running up the cliff with the rogues chasing her
For all the world to see-Still zoomed out
You'll make it so damn big-The scene slows down while Stagstar is mid-bound
For all the world-Stagstar reaches the edge
to see-And jumps

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