Where my haters-Sunshade asks the camera this
Where my haters-He asks this
I don't got em-He says this directly to the camera
I'm not famous, no-He says this
[instrumental]-Sunshade bounces a bit
It don't matter what my name is-He says this
I don't got one I'm not famous, no-He says this
[instrumental]-He bounces a bit
And I don't hate it, no-He says this
You never heard of me-He says this, relaxing by the lake
Or the weird shit I do and say-He says this, looking away
That's my favorite thing-He says this happily
That I'm not famous, no-He says this, looking away
And I'm never on TV-Shade says this, walking across a fallen tree
Throwing up on an LA street-He says this
Nobody judges me-He says this, putting a paw to his chest
Cause I'm not famous, no-He says this, beaming
Paparazzi is at an all time low-Shade says this, emphasizing that he was walking alone.
Paparazzi they don't care where I go-He says this, spinning
Where my haters?-Shade asks this
Where my haters?-He asks this
I don't got em-He says this, spinning
I'm not famous, no-He says this
[instrumental]-Walk cycle
It don't matter what my name is-He says this
I don't got one I'm not famous, no-He says this, closing his eyes and opening one eye at 'no'
[instrumental]-Walk cycle
And I don't hate it, no-Shade says this
[instrumental]-Run cycle
I'm not famous, no-Shade says this
[instrumental]-Run cycle
I'm not famous, no-Shade says this
[instrumental]-Run cycle
I'm not famous, no-Shade says this
[instrumental]-Run cycle
And I don't hate it, no-Shade says this
You never overheard-Sunshade says this
That I blew 20 grand on shirts-And this
Nobody knows my quirks-He says this as he climbs a tree
Cause I'm not famous, no-He says this, sitting in one of the branches
Everyone got their habits-Shade says this, leaping sown
But you'll never hear what mine is-He says this, trotting across the clearing
Best thing bout my life is-Shade says this
I'm not famous, no-And then disappears into a bush
Paparazzi is at an all time low-Shade says this, hopping across rocks on a river
Paparazzi they don't care where I go-He leaps onto the river bank and says this
Where my haters-Shade asks this
Where my haters-And this
I don't got em-He says thus
I'm not famous, no-He says this happily
[instrumental]-Walk cycle
It don't matter what my name is-Shade says this
I don't got one I'm not famous, no-He says this, turning his head
[instrumental]-Walk cycle
And I don't hate it, no-He says thus
[instrumental]-Run cycle
I'm not famous, no-Shade says this
[instrumental]-Run cycle
I'm not famous, no-Shade says rhis
Go!-Squirrel yells this
[instrumental]-Shade and Smoke are having a race
I'm not famous, no-Shade says this
[instrumental]-Run cycle
And I don't hate it, no-Shade says this
Hate it, Hate Hate it, no-Shade says this
Hate it, Hate Hate it-Shade says this
[instrumental]-Shade vibing around stc
Where my haters-Shade asks this
Where my haters-Shade asks this
I don't got em-He says this
I'm not famous, no-And this
[instrumental]-Walk cycle
It don't matter what my name is-Shade says thus
I don't got one I'm not famous, no-He says this
[instrumental]-Walk cycle
And I don't hate it, no-Shade says this
[instrumental]-Run cycle
I'm not famous, no-Shade says thjs
[instrumental]-Run cycle
I'm not famous, no-Shade says this
[instrumental]-Run Cycle
I'm not famous, no-Shade says this
[instrumental]-Run cycle
And I don't hate it, no-Shade says this
I don't hate it, no-And this
Cause I'm not famous, no-Shade says this