One Word...
One Meaning...
One Understanding...
Everyone drowns in their lifetime, it could be drowning in stress or drowning in water hoping that someone could save them over the splashing in water...
But no one could experience drowning in love w...
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I can't swim.
If I ever told you I could it was a Lie.
Most of my life could be remembered as a lonely girl working in old dusty library. Where the sunlight never reaches inside as a true reflection of the emptiness that the library holds.
Working as Librarian has it's perks, no human interactions, taking as many breaks as I would like and having a infinite amount of books to read everyday.
Sounds like a dream to me, but to others it could be seen differently.
I do earn a decent amount of money every week for staying in this almost broken down library, but to the New York living standards, I wouldn't be able to pay rent for next month.
Which is probably why I'm sat down by the window filling job applications that have resulted in rejections every time I open my laptop up.
I get it, I don't think anyone wants to hire a struggling poor girl on the path to be coming evicted soon. Maybe I should have picked going to college and experience debt my whole life, just to achieve a job that won't cover my debt in the slightest.
As I hear the bell that sits high on the door chime loudly, I look up to see my friends- who are the one people who know the library exists- run at me to give me a hug.
"Still working in this dungeon I see" Kassie says, which results me to have a giggle.
Kassie is red haired control freak, which has allowed her to have a kid at 17, if you haven't guessed it she had a teen pregnancy with her now military husband as she is only 22, she's fairly young and has already created a family while I'm losing time on these rejection letters.
"The building is close to falling on your head" Cara replied.
"I don't think you would want that hospital bill hanging over your head" Haisley commented as Cara held her tight and laughed with her.
Cara is the blonde short haired girl who is deeply in love with Haisley who seems sweet but is a whole demon and outgoing personality that drives me to insanity.
Haisley is the perfect match for Cara, as the blonde and brunette duo who can't live without each other for more than a second. They are always together and always show their PDA to everyone they meet especially since I have taken the role of the single friend in the group.
As I stand corrected as I look to my right and hear kissing sounds coming from the couple.
"Maybe I should enter you both into kissing competition, I'll have millions by tomorrow" I said while receiving glares from the two.
"Or you could find a job"
"If that doesn't work, I heard only fans is hiring"
"Shut up, I can't you see the rejections that I have got, at this point I'll do anything"
"I heard that D'Angelo Family is hiring a maid and it pays high" Kassie joined in.
"I'll take it cleaning rich families over only fans at this point" I concluded
"That's too bad only fans is a gre-" Cara cut off as I threw a book at her head as she dodged it.
"Next time it will be a Knife to your head" I responded while Cara shake her head.
" Kassie, Just give me the number to call"
"I just sent it"
"Thank you, now all of you are banned from this library"
"I would rather be banned here than anywhere else" Haisley replied while Cara and Kassie followed her to a cafe next to the library.