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Hajime's POV

"What should I do... What should I do...." I kept mumbling. "Maybe I should see what's new." I said while unlocking my phone. After a while of searching I came across an app called 'Twitrh'. "Twitrh? Why's it called that? That's weird, it's also hard to pronounce. But it seems like it might cure my boredom." The description says that it's a live streaming platform. Sounds cool. Oh! there's some people that Chiaki talks about like, MrLies and emotionalDetective. Oh, I can't watch them? Crap, I forgot to sign up! Okay, what should i name myself? LongAhoge.. Taken. ojandorangelover.. Available, great!
Okay.. I'm gonna check out more people.. Oh, there's also GorgInventor! Chiaki says she's really funny, but swears alot. Maybe I should try her?

No one's POV

"YOU FILTHY WH0RE!!" Was all Hajime heard before he closed the app. Seriously how does Chiaki even watch this, was all Hajime thought."Man that was a rollercoaster of emotions. It really felt like she was going through all stages of grief on that characters death." Honestly he had no right to say that he was tearing up too. Suddenly, he heard a ding from his phone. Chiaki!

Sooooo sorry idk what to write i also dont rlly know how to write povs so likeeee.... bear with me i'll research those things sometime. Sorry for the short chapter! i'm not sure anyones gonna read this tho. its kinda like a cliffhanger? read to find out what chiakis gonna say next chapter!! uuuuuuuuoyooyooyotjfkdjdj
Much love, Hope.

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