chapter 18 : Cleopatra's apologize

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Two weeks later ilyas has mastered using his scythe and lobo leaved the hospital and went back to the preschool

Lobo's POV

My head was hurting me a little and i was tired because of the accident it's been at least a while so I sat on the closest chair I found and i saw my friends coming one by one and then unexpectedly a portal open in front of the preschool yard to see ilyas comes from it without he's scythe instead of it it was wearing a demonical bracelet and without the bandages

Nobody's POV

"Finally after 2 weeks I've completed my scythe training" ilyas said

"Ilyas" Lobo yelled

"What's up buddy it's been a long time" ilyas replied

"Nothing new I have a question where's your scythe ?" Lobo asks

"As you can see I said I've mastered using my weapon and sarv was right I am the chosen one because it's now my bracelet" ilyas replied

"Cool" lobo replied

And then cleo come

"Lobo your here" cleo said happily and went to hug him softly "lobo i missed you so much"

"I missed you too" lobo replied as he hug her back

"Oh i almost forgot my mom has something to say" cleo replied "come on in mom"

And then Cleopatra comes to the preschool and without hesitation lobo runs behind ilyas and ilyas wrapped his hand on his bracelet and said

"Devil scythe" and suddenly the bracelet transformed into the scythe of the life and death and point it on Cleopatra's neck

"Ilyas don't do it" cleo yelled

"What the hell do you want Mrs graves ?" Ilyas asks in anger

Esmie igor and miss mina saw what's going on

"Ilyas no don't hurt her please" miss mina said

"Ilyas please calm down before you hurt someone with your weapon" esmie replied

"I can't I must protect my little buddy from her" ilyas replied in anger

"Ilyas look I understand your anger but calm down please" igor replied

"What do you want ?" lobo asks nervously but angrily

"please lobo don't be scared of me I'm not going to hurt you I swear" Cleopatra replied "Look I'm so sorry for causing your death I shouldn't call you that I should just accept that"

Lobo think a little about the apologize that Cleopatra said

"Okay I forgive you" lobo replied

"You know what if he forgive you so i" ilyas replied as he turns he's scythe back to the bracelet form

"So that means that i can have a relationship with lobo now ?" Cleo  asks

"Yes you can" Cleopatra replied "in fact you both can have a sleepover Someday"

"Okay thank you" lobo replied

"okay dude oh I almost forgot"  ilyas replied

"Forgot what ?" Lobo asks

Ilyas puttied he's hand on lobo's head "demon recovery"

And suddenly a soft dark light appears on lobo's body

"And done" ilyas said

"What have you done ?" Lobo asks

"There's one last thing to do cut your bandages little buddy" ilyas replied

When lobo cutted his bandages he saw all the wounds disappeared

"How did you do this ?" Lobo asks

"It's simple the lord of the Scythe was having some healing abilities I can heal you up because of the power of my scythe and I learned it from my friend Leo" ilyas replied

"Please explain" lobo replied

"When I was get trained to master my Scythe Leo comes and train me to heal" ilyas replied

And suddenly he got a call and then he accept the call

"Hello who's with me ?" Ilyas asks

"Rais it's me Leo you better come it's time" leo replied

"What it's been a month that's quickly" ilyas replied before opened a portal "see ya my friend"

Lobo hugged ilyas "thank you buddy please come back to us"

"I'll absolutely will oh yeah I almost forgot tell the old and new class that from now on I'll train one student in the week starting with you lobo" ilyas replied and gets into the portal

Lobo's POV

"Man ilyas always fighting and suffering to protect anyone who he cares about I wish I could do something to pay him back"

Nobody's POV

Then cleo went to Lobo to ask him

"lobo my prince what's wrong ?"

"Nothing I just thinking of ilyas and how does he fighting and suffering to protect us and don't forget that's he's training us" lobo replied

"Yeah you're right let's do something for him" cleo replied

"I don't know what should I do because he's not anyone he must get something really special one then the things that we make" lobo replied

"What makes you so sure ?" Cleo asks

"Did you remember the dimension that we got lost in one year and half ago ?" Lobo asks

"Yeah what's wrong with it ?" Cleo asks

"It was ilyas leo and darkness's dimension" lobo replied

"Oh dear how's that happened ?" Cleo asks in shock

Lobo explain to her ilyas destroyed past

"Oh God that's really hurt" cleo said sadly

"I know right ?" Lobo replied

Esmie saw lobo and cleo feeling a little bit sad so she come and check them

"What's wrong ?" esmie asks

"We're just thinking what we can do to make ilyas and he's friends feel a little bit better" lobo replied

"Feel better ?" Esmie asks

"Call the rest and tell them they will go to ilyas leo and darkness's dimension" lobo replied

"Wait you're going to visit their dimension ?" Esmie asks

"No we're all going" lobo replied

"Okay I'll call the class and the new class as well" esmie replied

"Thanks miss esmie we're going in 5 minutes" lobo replied

5 minutes later

"So everyone here ?" lobo asks

"Yes we're all here" drac replied

"Good now let's go" lobo replied before he opened the portal to ilyas leo and darkness's dimension "luckily this is the day of the month that they will come 1 hour late"

"Why ?" Sami asks

"Because we have at least 1 hour to see the dimension and return before they will come" lobo replied

"Oh okay" olive replied

And they all went to ilyas leo and darkness's dimension

To be continued

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