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I want to smack that asshole in the head for taking so long. I know that he had basketball practice, but he should be done by now. I have been waiting here for an hour already.

I'm starting to regret this. I should've just gone along with others instead and not bothered to convince that jerk. However, I just want to pinpoint something because what he said on the phone call doesn't make sense.


"Xi, are you done yet?" I asked.

We're at the library because he has another novel to write. I can just read books, but I'm not in the mood for it.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "Silly. Not yet."

I groaned. "Can you do that later after we have a date?"

"How I wish! But we can't have a date today." His answer made me pout.

"What? Why not?"

"Venti texted me that we will celebrate his birthday at Dawn Winery. I also have to finish a chapter before that happens," he explained.

"By 'we', does that include the others?"

He nodded his head. "Yes. Now that reminds me. Yun, can you inform the others about the party?"


It shocked me when he suddenly grabbed my collar and kissed me on the lips. I blushed, and he giggled at my reaction.

"What was that for?"

He smiled and responded, "My Yun is just too cute."

My cheeks feel hotter than before. I stood up from my chair and informed him that I had to make a phone call outside.

At the same time, cool the heat from my body. That almost gave me a heart attack. Anyway, I dialed Xiao first.


I rolled my eyes when this jerk didn't even bother to say hello.

Hey. What are you up to later?


How about after that?

Rest. Why?

Venti invited us to celebrate his birthday at Dawn Winery. Want to come?

He became silent. I guess that's a no.

Will Aether be there?

Now, this is unusual. I know that he doesn't like parties or any intimate get-togethers because he hates crowds, but he will always be there when Aether is around.

However, it surprised me that he asked that question first. It's usually me who does that because it's actually a power move, especially when he doesn't want to go with us. It was obvious that he likes Aether, but he was just too dense to realize his own feelings.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐄𝐑 | xɪᴀᴏ x ᴀᴇᴛʜᴇʀ (On Revision)Where stories live. Discover now