Heal My Lonely

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Summary : Wanda gets flustered too easily.. and you’re a flirt when tired.

Words : 6981

A/N : this was just supposed to be a warm-up since it’s my first time writing wanda but uh.. if I don’t write a long ass one shot is it even written by me???



Wanda was.. lonely. When she arrived at the tower, everyone seemed to keep a distance, probably for a good reason, she thought. She would tuck and hide away her hands under long sleeves, look down when people passed by, never holding eye contact for more than two seconds. The team went easy on her – though she didn’t know if they were being nice or wary, as if they were awaiting her to turn on them and attack at a moment’s notice.

Wanda was quiet, and she was alone. Steve was always close by, and he was the best figure to have as a friend because he trusted her, even when she didn’t trust herself. He willingly spent hours watching sitcoms, but Wanda decided to be merciful and released him from the torture of sitting still to go for a run after he shifted around so much that she couldn’t focus on the TV.

Natasha taught her to be stealthy. How to blend in, how to lie, how to kill a man with her rings – Wanda doubted she’d ever have to, but the redhead said it was best to be prepared; so she learned. The older woman was hard on her, but she was hard on everyone. There was one time when she threw Steve to the ground, and then slipped on her own feet whilst trying to hold her laugh that she heard a hearty laugh from Nat, and Wanda’s never been so proud of herself than she was at that moment.

Tony was harder on her than everyone else. She couldn’t blame him, though. Wanda herself hasn’t completely gotten over the years of brainwash that Stark was the enemy, and suddenly he was the one providing her with everything she needed to live and survive in a foreign country. Her despise towards him wore down layer by layer, the more she knew about the man with a genius brain, the man who had a kinder heart than anyone would’ve expected, the more she felt safe in his presence, and he was more at ease around her than even Clint could manage.

The archer hadn’t been around much, having went back to his family for the time being, only checking in every few days on how she was doing. Wanda thought it must have been the guilt, maybe he blamed himself just as much as she did over his death, maybe he thought she blamed him, too. But Wanda knew better than that, she knew her brother, and as much as she hated it, Pietro wouldn’t have let them die if he could do anything about it.

She cried herself to sleep the night Clint announced the baby’s name, remembering the way that name used to sound in her parents’ voices, calling them over for dinner.

Wanda was well aware that other than the few members of the Avengers, no one really wanted to be her friend. Sam was a breath of fresh air, he was playful and the most friendly out of everyone, she thought. He brought her treats and told her some good jokes, even helped her train on flying with her powers.

As lonely as she was, the young avenger was glad that she was not alone – in more than one aspects, she would always have someone by her side. Each for their own roles to fill, and Wanda was content with the way things was. But then an accident happened. Not that one has never occurred before; in this line of work, even when she wasn’t working, injuries were inevitable. She’s gotten scratches, broken bones, nose bleeds, and there was one time she set her hair on fire – if someone asked her how, Wanda herself wouldn’t know what to tell them.

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