Thief! (Of My Heart)

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Wanda Maximoff x sorcerer!Reader

Summary : You're a master-thief. Wanda doesn't approve... or does she?

Words : 4.6k+

A/N : hi hi hi hope u like this!!


"Hey. Found this on my walk today, thought you'd like it." Wanda paused, not knowing the intention of your gesture but also having no choice but to accept it. Her fingers played with the rough edges of the small ring, engravings of what looked like a foreign language laid on the inside of the metal. She hesitated, and so your heart dropped to your stomach - but you did nothing to show that you were bothered by her lack of trust in you. "If you don't want it.." The witch pulled her palm away just as you reached out to take the ring back, muttering out a quick 'thank you' before rushing away.

You considered that an absolute win.

She wasn't used to people presenting her with gifts. Mostly because her parents couldn't really afford to, and then the whole ordeal of living in the streets; having food to eat was a blessing on its own, who would dare wish for something as luxurious as gifts? Wanda would often watch as his brother flirted his way with girls by giving them pretty objects that he stole - and now that she was at the receiving end of it, the younger twin didn't know what to think. The brunette had always hated the gesture; obviously, Pietro was only doing it for fun. He thrived off the rush as he committed crime in which Wanda had never supported him for. They didn't need it, and therefore it wasn't worth risking their lives for.

It was always something small; a necklace, rings, books, flowers. You gifted her a guitar once even though neither of you could play it, but she accepted it anyways. As the time passed by, your little gestures were more than welcomed by the witch, and she'd come to seek comfort in the small interactions everytime you presented her with something. Pietro teased her relentlessly each time he caught her attention transfixed on you at dinners, and he liked to rummage through the small drawer full of, as he called it, courting presents.

She knew, of course. That they were not bought with your own money, nor were they honest purchase. She had seen first hand how good - no, exceptional - you were at pickpocketing, and for a while, she had shown complete disinterest in your offerings, even went through the lengths of sending them back to your door upon receiving them. It was utterly unbecoming of an Avenger to be accused of theft; and it would be a little bit of a letdown if they were to be found guilty. And she knew that you were aware of her disapproval, yet continued to carry on with it.

The team would say that you had made quite a friend in each other, though Pietro would disagree, claiming he held the higher position of a friend his sister could ever be to you. Unlike Wanda, the silver haired twin would compliment your success after raiding random strangers on the streets, he would even join you in action sometimes. Even Steve would crack a joke or two about it after shaking his head and giving a lecture about your behaviors. It was irresponsible and childish, so there were days where Wanda would smile and take your gift, and there were days where she would accept it, then leave whatever you'd stolen at the receptionist table to hand out as souvenirs to guests.

Some days it made her feel special, as no one else ever got the same treatment as she had from you, and some other days she felt like a low woman, as she only ever deserved stolen objects, like you could earn her with something as worthless as a stolen possession from strangers you picked out in a crowd.

Yet she loved them still, these little acts of affection you'd shower her with. You had once brought her a giant sculpture that looked oddly just like the one she saw reported missing on the news hours before, though Wanda had learned to come to terms with your ways, she still refused to let you test the limits. The art was back in its original place the next morning, with no trace of it having been stolen in the first place. She wouldn't talk to you for three days afterwards, and you reduced your 'gifting' to smaller items; like hamsters.

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