90 days to love

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When every last technology-obsessed human is kidnapped from the Earth what choice do you have as one of the last two but to accept the conditions?

At the age of 19 years, Lara Hall has seen little of the planet she calls home. When she's called upon to fulfil her 'purpose', unworldly, naïve Lara only has one choice if she's to save her mother and the human race.

In the year 2567, the immortal and robotic 'Leto' have take control of the world and offered Lara a deal; fall in love with the last male, Jared...

...In 90 days.

Relunctantly Lara agrees. The only snag in this seemingly perfect deal is that Lara and Jared are complete opposites. She's loving and kind; he cannot love. She's normally polite and friendly; he's cold-hearted and rude. To fall in love Jared must reveal his true nature to Lara and she must accept him for who he is.

No matter what.

Would you accept the conditions?

By: Bestfootforward

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