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"Don't open the door if anyone knocks okay!!?"

"Gosh Jungkook she is not 5 year old that you're telling her again and again!!"

"Mom!.... it's for her safety!!"

"Calm down you both.....and Eun take care okay....we will be back soon!"

Jeon family got an emergency. Jungkook's grandma was sick so they needed to visit her. Although Jungkook protested first but his mom convinced him.

I couldn't accompany them as my exams were near.

I signed and close the door plopping myself on the couch.

It seems so empty without the three of them.

The whole day went in a jiff. I was now cooking some noddles for my dinner just then I heard a knock on the door.

"They came early" I mumbled to myself.

I went to open the door just to find my parents standing there. I abstructly tried to close the door but my father was more powerful than me. He pushed the door entering inside.

I was breathing heavily by now. My mind stopped functioning. They were triggering my every senses. I didn't know what to do and what not!

"Became very smart huh!!" My father growled.

I gulp back my fear "it's not your fault" "you deserve to be loved"
" you're beautiful" "you deserve happiness " ringing in back of my head.

"Pl-please leave" I said containing myself as much as I can.

"Oh...so now you don't want your parents to come and visit you huh!" My mom said . I could heard her gritting her teeth.

"You-you make me feel uncomfortable" I couldn't dare to meet there eyes. They sacre me. They are my nightmares.

"Ohh....so your own parents make you feel uncomfortable huh....then who make you feel comfortable your boy toy or that old ha__"

"STOP!!..... please d-don't talk about them to me like this!" I said finally daring to meet their eyes . It was dangerous. My heart churned up with fear. Sweat forming at my forehead. I wanted to run away. The fierceness in thier eyes was creeping me out. I wanted to run away hide in the corner just like how I used to do in childhood.

But today I decided to stay. Face them. Face my fear.

"So now you will teach me how to talk!!?" Mom said marching towards me raising her hand. I lowered my head ready for the impact.

"BACK OF KANG!!" I heard a voice it was non other than Mr.Jeon. Tears of hope finally sprung out my eyes. I ran towards him hugging him tightly. He was more father like to me than my own father.

"Leave this house this instance if you don't want your dear company to shut down!" I have never seen Mr. Jeon this angry. His voice was cold and stern. I backed away hidding behind him.

"You can't seperate me from my daughter Jeon!!" My father screamed making me gulp.

"Well.... I didn't know you are this foolish to know whom are you standing against"

My father visibly gulped.

"Now out .....and if I ever saw any one of you near this girl..... you'll be dead!"

Without saying anything they made a way out.

As soon as they were gone from my sight I heard Jungkook coming more like running towards me.

He grabbed my shoulder spinning me left to right. "You're okay right? They didn't hurt right?Why aren't you speaking something!! Tell me goddammit!!"

"Give me chance..." I whispered ,he abstructly stopped "...I'm okay they didn't hurt me"

"She fought with them courageously, stood up by herself" Mr. Jeon said proudly. I smiled a little.

Jungkook hugged me "I'm so so so proud of you. You must be scared but you stood up!....you did great you did a great job Eun!"

I felt good , appreciated. For the first time in my life someone said they are proud.

How many more emotions will you make me feel Jungkook?

How many more times you'll make it hard for me to let go!?

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