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⚠️Mention of abuse and use of vulgar language.The further content may trigger some readers. If you're uncomfortable to it please restrict yourself from moving further.

It was finally the time. You're are returning. Jungkook didn't left your side even for a sec and boys did not leave any moment to tease you both. So basically whole day you were red either due to Jungkook or due to teasing.

Nevertheless journey was chaotic as hell. Filled with laughter and fun. For you the most memorable journey of your life.



"No you're not going there alone and that's final!" Jungkook exclaimed as you both entered your house.

"Jungkook please understand.....i want to know the truth myself. I can't afford you being in front of them please." Yes you can't. What if they hurt him too? You can't trust them! They are dangerous. Atleast that's what you have seen since childhood.

"Are you worried they'll hurt me?" What ! Is he mind reader or something!? You nod your head agreeing to him.

A sigh left his lips and you were soon engulfed in a bear hug.

"Don't.... please let me come with you" he whispered in his husky voice.

"I wanna face them alone Jungkook.... I want to end this chapter of life. End this fear about them and I don't want to drag you with me. Untill when you'll protect me. I want to protect myself my own. Trust me I can." You too whispered tightening your hold on his waist while your head was on his chest. He caressed your hair slowly.

"I trust you but I can't trust them baby.... I just can't."

" I understand that but..."

"Fine... I'll let you go but only on one condition. I'll be standing outside whole time. If I find something wrong I'll brag in for sure"

You detach yourself from him shaking your head "Jungkook pls...."

"One mine one yours.... that's the deal baby.... accept it orelse you aren't going as well" he can't risk. Last time they almost killed you. He can't risk you again. They are monsters in disguise of parents.

"Fine" you said with a adorable pout on your face earning a kiss on your forehead.

"That's like a good girl" Damn. If only a sentence can make you feel hot. Yup you were feeling it.

"Now go to sleep.... we'll go there tomorrow" he said. But you didn't want to go alone.

"Won't you come?" You asked which made him feel something he shouldn't. Control your fucking hormones Jungkook!! He screamed internally!

"You want me to?" He asked while his voice was unusually deep to which you slowly nodded.

His lips suddenly felt dry. He lick his lower lip lifting you up in bridal style earning a gasp taking you towards bedroom.

He gently laid you down and hovered over you.

"Jungkook" you whispered slightly fearing his new behaviour.

He kissed your forehead sliding inside the blanket next to you.He pulled you close to him. Now you were cuddling him. Your face on his chest while his arms surrounded your body.

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