Chapter 1: The Incident

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A bright light illuminated a dark room. Agent Rick Dicker was sitting across from someone, holding some papers.

"File 82-712. Agent Rick Dicker interrogating. State your name please." He said in his usual monotone voice.

"Uh, Tony. Tony Rydinger." He responded.

"Tell me about the incident." Rick demanded.

"Well, there's this, um, kid in my class." Tony began.


Tony walked down the stairs of the bleachers and spotted Vince and (Y/n) talking to each other.

"I saw him at the track meet, my friend (Y/n) always talks about him, and about how much she likes him."

Tony came up to them and started talking to (Y/n) and Vince.

"I sort of knew him, but when I talked to (Y/n) to thank her for tutoring me, he seemed different. More sure of himself. And I heard that he had finally worked up the courage to ask (Y/n) to a movie."

Tony watched Vince nervously ask (Y/n) out, and how (Y/n) pressed her finger to his lips and suggested a movie. Tony smiled at the interaction, happy for his friend.

"After that, I went to watch the track meet."


After the meet, Tony and his friends were talking in the parking lot while they walked to their car.

"Not long after, this thing happened in the parking lot."

A huge, gigantic drill shot out of the ground, tossing cars away. Tony ran all around the parking lot, dodging falling cars, before ducking behind a parked car as a short, greasy man who resembled a mole appeared on a platform.

"Behold, the Underminer! I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! I hereby declare war on peace and happiness! Soon all will tremble before me!"

Tony crawled under a car to hide.

"As if things weren't weird enough, I look over and see these boots."

Five pairs of black boots along with a stroller came into view. It was The Incredibles.

"You three stay here." Bob told the kids.

"Wait, should we be doing this? It is still illegal." Helen pointed out.

"They looked like superheroes!"

"We're gonna lose him." Bob said, as the drill started going back underground.

"Oh, alright." Helen agreed. "Two of you patrol the perimeters, keep the crowds back and safe. The other watch after Jack-Jack."

Once protested. "But I thought we were gonna go with-!"

"You heard your mother!" Bob said, as he and Helen raced off.

"Trampoline me!"

Helen transformed into a trampoline and Bob launched himself off of her and onto the drill.

"I call perimeter!" Dash announced, turning to (Y/n). "Come on, you can be my partner!"

Dash grabbed her hand and used his super speed to propel them away before Vince could protest.

"You are not going anywhere with her you little maggoty creep!" Vince yelled, putting up forcefields to try and block them, but Dash dodged them.

"I see my chance to get out of there, but there's something familiar about one of the kids' voices."

Tony crawled out from under the car and went to run, but paused.

"The guy, he's upset, and he throws down his mask and..."

Vince tossed his mask to the ground in frustration and turns to see Tony standing there, and his eyes widen.

"...And it's Vince!"

"Oh. Tony! Uh...hey. Uh, this isn't what you think it is..."

Vince tried to explain, but Tony was too shocked to respond and just ran away.

"It was just getting too freaky. I couldn't handle it and ran off."


"I feel kinda bad about it. Maybe I should've said, 'hi', or something?" Tony asks Rick.

"I mean, it's not his fault superheroes are illegal. And it's not like (Y/n) doesn't like strong guys. She's pretty secure...I guess."

Tony noticed that Rick had gotten up and was fiddling with a machine.

"What is that?" Tony asked.

"Have you told anyone else about this? Your parents?" Rick asked.

"No, they'd only think I was hiding something. You know what I mean?"

"Sure kid." Rick replied.

"I mean, Vince seems like a cool dude, he's taking my friend out with him Friday night. And it's going to be super weird seeing him at school, and I don't know whether or not I should tell (Y/n)..."

Tony said and slouched in his chair. Rick aimed a red beam of light onto Tony's forehead, without him noticing.

"I wish I forget I saw him in that suit." Tony confessed.

"You will kid." Rick replied.

He pressed a button and a red suction cup shot out and stuck to Tony's forehead. Tony jumped, startled, before his eyes slowly started to close, and his vision slowly started to turn black.

"You will."


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