Chapter 12: The Real Screenslaver

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A party was happening at DevTech to celebrate Helen catching Screenslaver.

"Attention, attention!" Winston called.

"I wanna thank everyone that came out tonight in support of superheroes and bringing them back into society."

The audience applauded.

"You all made it happen. The need for this has been made crystal clear in recent days with bad actors like the self-proclaimed Screenslaver threatening our peace." Winston pulled out Screenslaver's mask

"His reign was short, huh? And thanks to this woman, a great Super. You love her. You miss her. Welcome back, Elastigirl!"

A spotlight appeared on Helen and Winston ushered her on stage.

"I want you to have this." Winston handed her the mask. "A memento."

"Thanks Winston, Evelyn, and everyone at DevTech. I am forever in your debt. And thanks to all of you, your pressure changed all the right minds."

"We've made amazing headway in a very short amount of time which leads me to an important announcement. Just now, at a worldwide summit, leaders from more than a hundred top countries have agreed to make Superheroes legal again!" Winston exclaimed.

The crowd cheered and applauded in happiness.

"We'll gather Superheroes and leaders from all over the lament on our boat the Everjust for a televised signing ceremony at sea."

"Now if you'll excuse us, we got a boat to catch!" Helen announced.

Voyd came up to Helen and started talking to her.

"Hi, it's me again. Um, there's something that I've always wanted to ask you. How to balance the superhero stuff with the life stuff?"

Helen suddenly became interested with a picture of the Screenslaver behind her and she frowned.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, oh! Would yo I excuse me for a moment?"

Helen exited the party and made her way to the editing suite. She sat down and pulled up the feed from her suit cam when she was searching Screenslaver's apartment.


"Hey Vi." Bob greeted as he trudged into the living room.

"Hey. Where's Jack-Jack?" He asked.

"E's watching over him."

"Edna is babysitting?"

Bob slumped onto the couch next to him. "Yeah."

"And you're okay with this?"

"Yeah. I don't know why, but yeah."

Vince nodded and got up to leave.

"I wanted to say something to you. Sorry about (Y/n). I didn't think Dicker erasing Tony's memory would effect you, or how you would pay the price for a choice you never even made. It's not fair, I know. And then, I made it worse at the restaurant by trying to...Anyway, anyway..." Bob sat up.

"I'm sorry. I'm used to knowing what the right thing to do is. But now, I'm not sure anymore. I just wanna be...a good dad."

Vince stood up and hugged him. "You're not good. You're Super."

All Vince got in response was snoring. Vince laid his dad down on the couch and was about to head upstairs when he heard knocking on the door. He opened it and saw (Y/n) standing there and his eyes widened.

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