Chapter 1: Blood on Stones

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Within the walls of a secluded stone castle, the shuffling footsteps of elderly scholars pace the flagstone floors, their rose gold and white robes dusty and threadbare. Some read quietly from the many ornately decorated books, while others are using magic, whispering incantations, gesturing over fading parchments. Suddenly, a low rumble disrupts their focus, a distant earthquake silences the room as the stone around them shakes.

As the rumble becomes a roar, the scholars look to one another, their eyes glowing different magical auras. One runs bravely from the room, charging into what they know is the jaws of death. Their scream echoes back, breaking the silence.


Light ash and the scent of blood drifts across the air, the smell of death. Decapitated corpses litter the ground, limbs missing, entrails strewn and blood everywhere. The crows gather and take their pickings, opportunistic as death visited some time ago.

The three riders that return are in shock. Ji-Ho, an elderly man, one of grace and leadership - but even he cannot hide the toll years of battle have taken. Alongside him are his aides, Jang Si-Eo and Drayce.

Ji-Ho knows his duty to the realm may be approaching its end, but he is prepared. "We need to warn the Golden Sun Temple about this, it will not be long before these monsters reach them."

Drayce looks up, his eyes are drawn to movement on the battlements. Dark silhouettes stalk and merge in the shimmering moonlight. It would be mesmerising if they weren't staring at death.

"Go." Ji-Ho's voice is still strong, masking the fear that is creeping slowly into his mind. But Drayce and Si-Eo don't seem to hear him. Too frozen on the horrors above them.

Ji-Ho calls louder. "GO!"

His shout snaps the two men out of their trance; the three whirl their steeds round and take off into the forest as dusk begins to fall, draining the realm of its remaining light.


Further into the forest, and all is still quiet on this crisp winter night. The trees, tall and stoic, as if they are trying to hide away the desolation to the castle they guard.

A horse whinny breaks the silence as the three men come to a sudden halt into a clearing. Drayce is the first to speak. He's on edge, voice trembling as his eyes dart to look for the monsters he cannot yet see.

"We cannot stay here-" A figure pounces on Drayce, it's jagged claws and teeth tearing into his flesh as it rips him from his saddle. It drags his bloodied and still screaming figure into the forest, leaving a trail of wine-red blood to stain the dirt.

"It is here." Ji-Ho pauses. Hesitant, he knows what needs to be done.

"I will buy you some time, but you must go!" Ji-Ho doesn't wait for Si-Eo's disapproval and makes Si-Eo's horse gallop away.

From the shadows, more appear. Hulking, twisted creatures, as if they had crawled out from the depths of Hell itself. Limbs contorted and snapped into repulsive angles. Eyes as black as coal, staring into the soul of the man before them.

"When the sun sets and shadows rise, your duty to guard will be consumed by the shadows." he whispers calmly to himself. He's realised his fate.

He spurs his steed deeper into the forest, running in futility.


The horse stumbles, nearly collapsing from exhaustion. Ji-Ho wills it on.

The growls and distorted roars fill the empty air, coming closer and closer.

He looks over his shoulder to see the monsters chasing him. He leans down, keeping his eyes off of the path ahead. He grabs his bow, and turns, shooting a monster in the head who falls over itself.

As he turns back, he nearly falls from his horse as it jumps over a log. More monsters race towards him, hungry. As one lunges at him, Ji-Ho draws another arrow, stabbing it in its eye. The monster howls as it falls, its screech piercing Ji-Ho's ears.

Another charges, bulkier, more disfigured. Ji-Ho draws his sword too late, by the time he turns around; the monster is too close.

It lets out an inhumane scream and digs its claws into the horses stomach, tearing it open. Viscera and blood spill onto the forest floor as the horse falls forward, throwing Ji-Ho off and crushing his legs as it lands.

Ji-Ho is barely conscious, blood-loss and shock draining his remaining life force.

"Tell me 'Seer', where is she? She cannot hide from us any longer!" The monster speaks in a cryptic tongue, but one that Si-Eo can speak.

He glares at the monster. "I will never give up the Chosen One to your kind."

The monster's expression falls. "I will know... I will rip it from your mind, no matter how well you try to guard it from me."

It grabs Ji-Ho's face, forcing him to look into its eyes. Its eyes go black and crackle with dark energy, it latches onto Si-Eo, corrupting his mind. Si-Eo screams in agony, writhing and thrashing as he tries to resist. But his fate has been written, it cannot be changed.

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